Recently Answered Questions on PIOKIND-M


I m having problem of obesty...

If I try yoga or sm other exercise for 1 or 2 months n if I leave it even for 7 days, my body swells...It increases my stomach specially n body size. I would like to add ...I m pure vegetarian n food what I take is really normal. Roti sabzi n dal....Rice is taken very less like once or twice a week. Don't eat junk food a lot..oil n ghee is also nt too much. My water intake is good...N don't take friz cold water. Kindly guide me and let me understand the problem
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I , m surrering from ocd ,

I m suffering from ocd ,and i m also suffering fearneds of ill , can i use for this sozodone
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Hair loss I m suffering from pcod

I m lossing my hair from front plz suggest me some solution I m suffering from pcod but my periods now is OK it is coming every month
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M i pregnant doctor?!

I hd sex on 29th Nov.. thn i take unwanted 72... I hv my Periods on 7th December... 5days earlier than last month... Bt now my periods are coming to late after exact onw and half months... Nd in periods color of the blood is brownish... I hv done pregnancy tests by prega news 2 times in the early morning the first urine bt it shows negative. Plzz suggest me... M i pregnant doctor?! Nd i don't want child at now... How to avoid it if m pregnant...
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I m suffering from depression

Sir I m suffering from depression..i was on 225 mg of vanafax..but I drink alcohol in between n not recover I have changed my doc first he prescribed me vanafax150 mg twice a day,dicorate 750 mg twice but I again drink alcohol n my depression worsened then he prescribed me 600 mg of vanafax 100 mg zosert n dicorate..n perform some test cms vital sign report n Rorschach test..i m in confusion now day is he treating me right..
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I m fed up of life

My anger is growing day by day due to the problems i m facing.. Due to my anger i started feeling that i m the worst and  Day by day i m loosing myself i m loosing everything... I need peace...
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I m pregnant want to do Abortion

I m pregnant want to do Abortion i m 23 weeks pregnant please help n m not married
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Acnechio-M is good to take?

My derma suggested this for one month due to acne scars due to pcod for a month with zincovit. She also told me skincare but its too costly cant buy all those. I am taking chin laser treatment and can I take this acnechio M with that for 30 days? I am not taking any treatment of pcod from any endocrinologist. Should I take or this tablet with lifestyle changes help? Will it also help in skin clarity? I have small open pores and acne marks near chin and side locks. A bit of discoloration that derma said dur to insulin sensitivity which could be. I can't spend on carbon laser etc on my face. Also Is vit c serum and salicylic serum bad for my skin? Can vit c serum help in glow and latter with acme scars? really need help with good knowledge and expertise. Your words would matter. Thank you.
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M i pregnant?

Gynecologist-icon M i pregnant? 12:35 AM Asked for Female, 22 Years I had sex 9th September at night,and take unwanted 72 pills at 12th morning.16th september i do sex again and 18th September my periods start.i didnot take any pill for the 2nd time sex,after 2nd day of my period,it becomes slow flow.being scared i took an unwanted 72 in the 1st day of my period.m i pregnant?what should i do now?
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I m not having periods for almost 3 mnth

I m not having periods for almost 3 mnths than wht is the reason and is there any serious problem???
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