Recently Answered Questions on PAUSE-MF


Missing period

I had heavy bleeding last month for 15 days and used Pause mf for 3 days after which stopped the bleeding.. And after the reduction of bleeding we had active participation. My period was due on 7th may but didnot get it till now... Could this be because of Pause mf or can be any other reason like pregnancy?
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Bleeding since more than a month

I have been experiencing vaginal bleeding since more than a month now. Took Pause MF but nothing happened. Is there any other medicine that I should take?
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Query regarding medicine

I have fever, have been taking paracetamol for two days, i was prescribed Pause MF tablet (250/500mg). Can i take this medicine along with paracetamol?
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Sex after tabkets

I took pause mf for 3 days and my period stoped is it safe to have sex with my husband
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Bleeding issue

After pregnancy 6 month completed my wife started bleeding is this any serious issues. Please help me to under stand. Know she taking pause MF
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Over bleeding clotting

Yesterday I asked if I can use Pause MF for overbleeding and some of the doctors suggested to do a urine pregnancy test. I did it today and it is negative.. Can I now use Pause MF 3 times a day for 3 days to reduce the flow?
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Irregular periods

I've been having spotting for a month and im taking pause mf for four days as per as doctor prescription.. The bleeding has not stopped yet.. How long can I continue taking pause mf? My hormones are in the range, no pcos, no thyroid and I'm sexually inactive.
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Periods and ovulating drug

Hi doctor, I m taking fertolet 2.5 mg from 2nd of menstruation bt I have heavy bleeding in periods so I m also taking pause mf tablet.can pause mf have any effect on ovulation
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Menstrual Bleeding

The patient is on Femilon under medical advice. She has an uterain fybroid at fundus region. When her periods get heavy and refuses to stop, she takes Pause MF. Her periods has been very irregular for last 3-4 years.At times, the spotting occurs even after 10-12 days. Now, this month, the periods stoppted and she has started femilon (consumed 5 tabs in last 5 days) but since last two days spotting is occuring. Can she take Pause MF ? I mean, can Femilon and Pause MF be taken together ?
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Period problem

I have large clot during period and prolonged period for 1 month and also have PCOS and severe deficient of  vitamin D.I take some homeopathy medicine (mother tincture) with Pause mf tablet. Is Pause mf tablet and DV 60k tablet used together ?
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