Recently Answered Questions on Ornidazole


Pricking pain in clitoris

In March I contracted STD and had PID ( was experiencing severe burning sensation and pain from the inside in the pelvic region, mostly concentrated on the right side). I took doxycycline and ornidazole, the burning sensation is gone but from the past 2-4 days I am experiencing pricking pain in my clitoris (mainly), which sometimes radiates to vaginal opening as well. But mainly it pricks on the clitoris. My vaginal opening appears to be dark pinkish. Also, during urination, even after urinating I feel some urine is still left, because the clitoris stays sensitive/ very irritated but eventually I have force the urine out. I think I have been forcing the urine out for over 5months or more. Is it possible that I still have some untreated STD? Also, I have recurrent episodes of BV. I am confused. I have had BV before, even before contracting STD, but never faced this pricking sensation. I have hsv-2, but I'm unsure whether this is an outbreak because I feel no blisters while cleaning.
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Repeated fever

My father aged 73 years has been Asthmatic for ages and four years back he underwent bilateral orchiectomy for Prostrate cancer. Since then he developed cellulitis in the legs with his skin in the legs becoming dark and scaling off and with liquid oozing out from the lower limb. With medication the liquid oozing out has stopped and time and again he develops fever every 2 months which persist for 2 days with antibiotics (Ornidazole - Oflaxin or Glevo). The doctor at time brings the fever from 102 degrees Amikacin and fevastine injection and recommends the above said antibiotics for 2-3 days. I would like to understand if the fever is due to his cellulitis infection and whether the doctor is proceeding in the correct lines and what can be done to prevent this 2 day fever every alternate month. Pls advise keeping in mind that he has mobility problems and requires help in moving about as well.Pls also suggest any tests that may be required to find the root cause.
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Unidentified pain in lower right pelvic

I had unprotected intercourse on 28 March. Following which on 30th, I saw greenish vaginal discharge. On 2 April, I started developing mild pain in the lower right pelvic region. I went to a Obgyn and was prescribed Azithromycin and ornidazole ( for 5 days starting from 5th April) + FAS -3 kit and Nobel Spass for pain. Although, it helped in pain relief initially but i could still feel discomfort. I had mild on and off discomfort from 2-26 April. Then on 27th April post midnight, I had excruciating pain throughout the night in the same spot, which didn't improve. I could feel the pinching pain specifically in the lower right pelvic region and started experiencing numbness in the fingers of my right hand then right leg as well. By the morning starting feeling sharp pain at the back of the shoulder, in abdomen near diaphram(feels like it). Nothing significant was found in the TVS. Had sharp center chest pain from 27th evening. What could be the reason; possibility of ongoing STI collitis
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Loose motions with blood

On Wed evng i did running and jumping rope i feel uneasy in my stomach but i played jumping rope next morning on Thursday loose motions were started and again i played jumping rope and used eldofer tab to control motions but in after noon on wards again motions were started in the evng also i played jumping rope n8 used eldofer tab on friday morning I got motions with little blood used eldofer tabs and I met doctor in evng doctor prescribed me The following tabs Cifixime and ornidazole tab Meftal spas Used these tabs on Saturday But no use the following problems were countinued loose motions with little blood and little bit abdominal pain at left side of the stomach and fever on Sunday My relative a pharmacist advised me Sestil.Ad tab . zenflox.Oz tab ors apple juice buscopan tab nd styptovit tab nd metrogyl 400mg. I used these tabs Motions were stopped but i am feeling like getting motion. On next day means today loose motions with blood That's the problem sir
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Lower back pain

I feel pain in my lower back middle just above hips and weakness in legs if I stand still for more than 5 to 10 minutes. If I walk no problem but cannot walk for too long.  Whenever I get pain in lower back after standing still for 5 minutes I lay down flat in sleeping position with my back on floor or my left or right side on floor or bed . After 10 to 20 minutes my back pain and weakness in legs disapeares and I will be back to normal. I have frequent stomach problem like IBS along with anxiety and OCD. I'm taking medication for hypertension ie Metalar xr 50 mg 1 tablet per day. And for anxiety some times I take petrol MD whenever I feel very anxious or panic only. Whenever my stomach upset I take Ornidazole followed by Darolac . Please tell what may be cause of my back pain if I stand still for more than 5 to 10 minute.Im single addicted for masturbation more frequent in teenage but now 2 to 3 per week now. when i ejaculate i feel strong contraction with click sound in same location
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Loose motions with blood

On Wed evng i did running and jumping rope i feel uneasy in my stomach but i played jumping rope next morning on Thursday loose motions were started and again i played jumping rope and used eldofer tab to control motions but in after noon on wards again motions were started in the evng also i played jumping rope n8 used eldofer tab on friday morning I got motions with little blood used eldofer tabs and I met doctor in evng doctor prescribed me The following tabs Cifixime and ornidazole tab,Meftal spas Used these tabs on Saturday But no use the following problems were countinued loose motions with little blood and little bit abdominal pain at left side of the stomach and fever on Sunday My relative a pharmacist advised me Sestil.Ad tab . zenflox.Oz tab ors apple juice buscopan tab nd styptovit tab,metrogyl 400mg.I used these tabs Motions were stopped but i am feeling like getting motion. On next day means today loose motions with blood and little bit abdominal pain at left side
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