Recently Answered Questions on Ornidazole



Irrespective to what ever i eat i rush to the bathroom immediately. Dr Shah from vadodara had prescribed me with OFLOXACILLIN N ORNIDAZOLE two times a day after lunch n dinner and VIZYLAC capsule at bed time for 15 days,which was helpful but after the course is complete i am facing the same problem again. Please help
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Round patches near the groin

I saw some round scaly lesions/patches near the groin area. I used candid powder and an ointment containing terbinafine, ofloxacin,ornidazole and clobetasol propionate.after some days it started healing but then I saw new lesions arising in other areas of the groin too. I have also started using intiwash.What should I do now?
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H pylori infection

I was diagnosed with h pylori positive by upper endoscopy then was prescribed amoxicillin and clarithromycin, ppi along with probiotics, taking for four days i got weakness, dizzy, anxiety, panic and always wanted to be in bed, later my family doctor suggested me to take OFLOXACIN+ORNIDAZOLE (zenflox oz) can i take this medicine along with probiotics?
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Was suffering from UTI.

On 16th jan, i was suffering from frequent urination and had burning sensation while urinating. As advised i took Ofloxacin  ornidazole tablets(once in a day) and probiotic tablet and got a urine routine. I am feeling better now,should i continue medication or not? The report for the test is attached below. Kindly suggest.
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Symptoms of UTI

I was urinating frequently in a span of 5-10 mins, and had tingling sensation while urinating. The urine was clear and a bit cloudy. I took a ofloxacin & ornidazole tablet, after an hour or so...i didn't had any of the mentioned symptoms. So what is the advised dose of the medicine? Should i continue the medicine or consult a doctor?
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Frequent loose motions

Hi, I had bloated stomach since yesterday and had gas problem also. From today morning,I have loose motions (not very acute). I took one tablet of ornidazole and ofloxacin but it doesn't seem to be working . I am facing this issue once every month from the last 2-3 months. Could it be something serious.
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Suffering from Fungal infection

Hello Sir/mam, I have suffering from Fungal infection from last 2 years. I am pharmacist so we have doing home treatment and take medicines like Fluconazole tablet 150 mg, Itraconazole capsule, terbinafine table, and also using cream like Amrollfine cream, Luliconazole, and Ofloxacin ornidazole terbinafine clobetasole cream, but any result was found or condition remain same, please suggest what i am doing. Please help
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Fever with diarrhoea

Have fever, green watery motion with abdominal pain since 4 days..1st day she vomit and temperature 104..taken inj.emset. oflox-ornidazole susp. Probiotic and green watery motion with abdominal pain 7-8 times in a day and fever 100..
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Diarrhea, Not able to intake much

I have been having a digestion problem since last 1 month, I am not able to intake much food, like I consumed earlier. If I eat outside food, then I end up with Diarrhea continuously. I have taken below tablets Ornidazole+OFL Oxacin Bacillus Clausii Spores Suspension Dicyclomine RANTAC 150MG Kindly please help me. Thanks.
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Dysentry wid mucus and blood

I moved to a new place one week ago , since then I have loose stools with mucus and blood particles(70%) in stool that resembles chilli flakes . I have taken ofloxacin ornidazole for few days , loperamide for one day ,currently on metronidazole (tds). Still I am having 5-6 times such stools . please help
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