Recently Answered Questions on Ornidazole


Itching in the penis

I am facing iching in the lower part of head of penis... There is no rashes as well as no wound but it's itching while errection and while we touch.. I have taken a dose of AF kit containing 1 fluconazole 2 ornidazole and 1 azithromycin And I am also aplying luliconazole cream over affected area.. Give me appropriate suggestions. .
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About antibiotic course

I have started olfloxacin and ornidazole tablet for twice a day for loose motion as prescribed by doctor. I have started at 18/03/2021 at (1st tablet ) Containing the doase twice a day. What should be last date of doase and timing? Is that 23/03/21 morning? After breakfast?
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Pus cell in semen

I have puss cell 20-25 / hpf in seamen & 0-1/hpf in urine and Doctor given  ofloxacin & ornidazole tab for 5 days  , for 2 weeks I feel good but now I have little burning in urinary tract. Kindly suggest medicine.
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Accute loose motions

Dear Doctor, Please suggest any medicine for loose motion.. Went more than 15 times since morning and already taken 1 Ornidazole, 2 lopramide and 1 norflox tz rf, banana, curd and khichdi but no relief...yellow and watery stools coming.. With light pain and mild fever
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Diarrhoea and anal fisssure

I was operated for anal fissure 10 days ago. Nw after taking antibiotics ornidazole + ofloxacin i am having loose watery stools from past 8 days , 2-3 times a day with yellow thick discharge with cramping abdominal pain. Does 02 tablet cause clostridium deficile ???
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Hw to Retain Face Fair

I am using a cream called Castor Nf and it contains ornidazole, ofloxacin, terbinafine and Clobetasol so, i wana know if i quit this medication my glow and fair skin goes dull faster as said by my practitioner there any way to remain fair...after discontinuing medication...or how to be fairer and reduce facial oiliness
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Painful gum boil with pus inside

I have a gum boil at the side of a root canaled tooth for some time now. Was put on augmentin 625 and flagyl 400 but the infection still remains though somewhat controlled now. Now I have been prescribed ornidazole gel for local application. Do I need surgical intervention?
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Clostridium Difficile

Dear sir, i was on oflaxcin and ornidazole for 5 days after that i am suffering from chronic partial diarrhea,some stool movement are solid while others are liquid its been almost a month,No blood or pus in the stool or any kind of pain nor there is any fart or burping.....Then my doctor put me on metronidazole 400*4 a day but its causing huge amount of acidity in my stomach can i make it 400*3 for 12 days...
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White urine

Dear mam My moher age 47 she was having problem white urine always .. like rice wash water we don't know what exact happens earlier we admitted in hospital also last 4 yrs back they preferred some biopsy but they not done they written some tablet and discharged . Just they told that in that urine some protiens are going maximum range . But they not given resolution and treatment further just at that time given ornidazole injection at that time it was stopped white urine for some days like a month or 2 months but again it's started pls tell what to do .. And kindly tell 24 hrs urine protien test name and uses of ornidazole injection..
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Urine reports result

Dear Sandeep s morkandikar sir pleaae find below details Dear sir My mother age 48 since 20 yrs she feels whitish urine and bubble urine last 5 years back we admitted hospital and done some tests doctor said protiens are going in urine and planned for biopsy . But finally biopsy not done he given ornidazole injection I feel good urine at that injection time .. May I know again I done urine tests feels same issue now . So may I know as per reports biopsy required or not if yes any side effects of If I do biopsy test pls tell. Chyluria urine means what . Becoz my mother urine colour is white full Can we use ornidazole injection sir becoz last 4 years back given 5 inj for 5 days it's feel better on those days ..
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