Recently Answered Questions on OFLOX


Facial skin infection

I have been suffering from facial skin infection since last 12 years and haven't got any permanent solution. I consulted local skin specialist who gave me various face wash creams and antibiotic creams like Fusiwal cream, chitomesh cream, etc and antibiotics like Oflox and Amoxiclav 625 combined with vitamin A tablets sometimes. But the problem is that the infection goes away after taking the medication but it breaks out again after some months. I did a culture test also long time back and they told me that the bacteria is treated by Oflox medicine. It starts with one or two pimples and then spreads along the cheeks and chin area. I contracted this infection due to shaving as in-use to visit the local barbershop for shaving. Kindly tell me is there any permanent solution to this infection.
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Urine infection

I had constant fever and burning sensation while urinating and later on diagnosed with urine infection on 1 march. I was prescribed to take oflox oz for a week and then oflox for another week. After getting rotuine urine test done on 21 march, the pus cell count increased to 35-40 which was earlier 8-10 as per the report on 1 march. I am still facing uneasiness while urinating and suffers mild fever sometimes. What is the problem and root cause, and how it can be cured. Kindly guide.
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Pelvic inflammatory

Hi, I had PID few days back and was given antispasmodic medication ( T meftal spas )for 3 days and oflox antibiotic 400mg for 3 days. I also had white discharge so I was given clingen forte for 7 days. I feel my pid is not fully gone, as the course was too short. Should I restart the course of oflox 400 mg and t meftal spas for 10 days and see? The reason I said I feel it's not gone is because I at times still feel a slight pain in the lower abdomen like I used to during PID infection.
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Already on medication, any suggestions?

My father has a history of acute gastritis. He has been suffering from Stomachache since the past 3 days. It fades away & comes back. To start with the local Md started with Rifaset 400 mg, ocid 20 mg bd, ranidorm o tds , levosulphride 25 mg & drotin m He stopped Rifaset & started oflox oz yday I just came back after a visit, he has started esogress L 2 tabs at once followed by Ranidorm 20 ml before meals. After meals mucaine gel 10 ml & Oflox Oz & Drotin M Right treatment?
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Loose motion and stomach ache

I have been having stomach ache and loose motions on and off, for over a month's time now. I took Norflox TZ for 3 days and left the course because I started feeling fine. After a few days, I again started taking Norflox TZ, this time, for 5 days and then left when I felt that my stomach had gotten fine. After few days, I again felt stomach ache and loose motions, so this time I took Oflox TZ for 5 days, but even after taking Oflox TZ, I am still having loose motions and stomach ache. Yesterday, I took 1 metrogyl, but my stomach is still upset.
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Hemorrhoids, swelling at anus opening

Hemorrhoids/plies problem: it started a week back with severe pain. I took first prescription where doc asked me to take oflox Oz Antibiotics and sitz bath. within these five days the opening of the anus outer layer got swollen. I took another doctor's opinion and she asked me to take 1. daflon 500mg 2.satrogyl oflox 3. Dompan forte 4. sucral ano ointment and asked to continue sitz bath. swelling is there but today I am feeling a bit better. passing motion is still very difficult and it pains a lot. soon after motion I go for another round of sitz bath. I wanted to take another opinion from you regarding the medicines. if swelling reduces, I will feel much better but so far it has mallowed down only a bit. please suggest
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9 month Baby has UTI

My daughter is 9 months old and is having high UTI infection with 100000 CFU/ml. Although she's responding well to oflox 100, she cries a lot at around 1 am for almost 2 hrs while touchin her vagina for past 2 days. If v take her in upright position shes quite and when v lie her down she cries again. Shes active in day time and has no visible rashes on her body. Please let me know whats wrong? She had high fever around 103 last week and after giving her oflox 100 she started to feel better and now shes not having any fever as well.
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Fluctuating fever, fatigue,sore throat.

I developed Diarrhoea and fever 10 days back, took stomach entretis medicines, sompraz D ,providac capsule,oflox Oz. And diarrhea got BETTER. But since 5-6 days I have fatigue, fever 97-100,sore throat, nausea. And pain in my right dimple bone Tested negative for COVID TWICE. Please help
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Jj stent removal

I sir on June 4 th I had gone through kidney stones surgery by Lazar treatment and doctor inserted an jj stent in the bladder and kidney and 2 days back stent was removed after 3 weaks from surgery and doctor said take 3 days course of oflox 200 mg and urispas 200mg tablets now can I eat non veg or not like biryani roti  masala or any food restrictions Please reply ASAP
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White cheese kind thing onvagina opening

I can see white kind of thing around my vaginal lips and it's opening side. It's itching and can see no other sign. If it's fungal infection kindly tell me medicines. I'm on periods and cannot go to doctor. I need to take medicines to treat it Is it serious. Will chymoral forte and oflox z treat it? Which cream to apply? Aciclovir cream (herpex -5%) will work. Guide
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