Recently Answered Questions on OFLOX


White discharge problem

I this white discharge problem some time very severe i take oflox oz it comes to normal Everytime i urinate some white discharge small peice is comming out is it normal its since 5 days And my motion is akso not clear if i eat green veggie i can see in my motion
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Pain in lower stomach abdomen

My father feeling pain in the left lower stomach abdomen area. And this is happening every day since last 2weeks and its lasting only for few minutes like max 30minutes. Currently he is taking oflox Oz tablets with Darolac capsules from last 1 week but still no improvement. Can someone please help this situation?
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Piles problem

I am having piles since 1 year but from last 5 months I am having bleeding and pain while passing stools . from past few days I am using antibiotics oflox n pantoprazole tablet and duphalac syrup suggested by doctor . still I am not having any change and my problem is worsening day by day . I am having a past history of constipation since 7 years .
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Fever around 100°F for last 6 days

Hi, my father is 67years old and had high fever 104°F last Monday which comes down to 101°F next day and since then it is flucating in range of 99.7 to 101°F. He has been taking tablet senarest 3 times a day and oflox 200 2 times a day. Is it normal?
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Had angioplasty recently. Have BPH for ten years now. was taking URIMAX capsule 0.4mg before the operation. Now i am not being able to pee. went to emergency and they have put a urine pipe for now and prescribed oflox 400mg tablet and uriliser syrup for not getting infection. what should i do? how long should i wait to get TURP or TUIP done?
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Amoebic liver absceses

My dad (57) had liver abscess few days back . He got admited for 4-5 days . Now he is at home but he feels weekness . He is taking metrogy comp + ,alegra , rablit , oflox ,zevit . Its been a week bt he still feels week . Cbc is ok infection is 9.6 , tell me weather treatment is going good and what to do to recover weekness
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Fever with headache

Fever from last four days with headache.My fever is still continued. Today I will take 4 dose of oflox 200 BD. But fealing less headache, fever is 99 - 102F and responding to crocin 500. Frequency of fever has decreased. Today is fourth day. No weakness.
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Loose motion

I had loose motion for which I took oflox of and rabeprazole along with domperidine for 2 days.I was OK but 2 days ago I got severe boday itching for which I took levocetrizine .now last 2 days I am again having loose motion.morning when I go for toilet the stool are dry.kindly give me a remedy
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Regarding drug interactions

Hi, doctor prescribed antibiotics oflox and flagyl 200 along with multivitamins (xtracal with vitamin d 2000 iu and calcium 250 and jectokos lipo with iron,folic,b12, vitamin c, zinc, magnesium so n so)...I took antibiotics n multivitamins for five days together after food...will this cause any trouble...iron calcium magnesium n zinc so n so shld not be taken with oflox?...will it cause any issues for me...
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Loose motion since 12 days

My 10 month daughter has loose motion since 12 days. Doctor prescribed oflox 100 3ml twice for 7 days , Econorm, ORS , Zn D 20 (10 drops twice ) but she didn't get relief after 6-7 days. So asked to continue oflox for 3 more days. And added Flagyl 2.5 ml. Three times a days. But still my daughter has no relief. There is mucus in the stool. Sometimes watery sometimes normal stool she is passing. And sometimes blood streaks are also Seen.
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