Recently Answered Questions on Nexito


Nexito and pain

Psychiatrist prescribed me nexito for depression , anxiety and panic . Initially 5 mg then 7.5 and now 10 mg . But whenever I increase the dose i feel back pain , left hand pain , rib pain all occurred , pain extended to fingers also when dose reduced it goes away Why nexito cause this ? Any problem I take it ignoring these pain ?
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Side effects of nexito

I have been prescribed nexito 10mg by a doctor but also mentioned that its completely my wish whether or not i want to start this medicine. I'm a medical student and i cannot afford to sleep more than a certain amount of hours. Does it cause sleep? What are other side effects?
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Nexito for depression

I have had depression and anxiety for a while now and I also suffer from low self esteem. My previous psychiatrist asked me to start taking nexito and gradually increased the dose to 20mg. I continued that for a while and then I noticed that I was gaining considerable weight. I tried telling my doctor that the weight gain is making me hate myself even more but he didn't listen. I stopped seeing him and stopped the medicine cold turkey but it was horrible. Now, I've been taking 10mg of nexito every day but I have gained about 10kgs in the last year and I don't go out of the house at all. I really need to know if there is a substitute that would not make me put on weight and whether there is any medication that would increase my metabolism?
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Nexito 10 longterm consumption

Nexito 10 for OCD is nexito 10 safe drugs cane be taken one daily for year or more for stress and masturbation habit ???
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Weight gain by Nexito plus

Can Weight Gain caused by Nexito plus can be reduced by Exercise and other balanced Diet and Fibre rich foods ?? I took nexito plus since few months .
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Can we stop nexito 15mg suddenly

Hi all one of my friend s having nexito 15mg for 15 he s feeling can he stop suddenly now??nexito s for antidepressant. Thanks in advance.
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Nexito 10 course

Nexito 10good to excessive frequent masturbation How to avoid masturbation and what is solution for same
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Side effects of Nexito Forte

I have been facing anxiety for last 6-7 months now and have been on medication by a psychiatrist from last 3 months. Which is mainly Nexito Plus or Nexito Forte or Nexito 5mg or 10mg. The question is that does nexito interfere with sexually related things and are they reversible..?
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Need advice in using nexito 10mg

Doctor has told my mom to use the nexito 10mg medicine to cure depression and anxiety. She just took one tablet on morning by afternoon and evening time she felt her heart burning , dry mouth and mind has stiffneed and hands started becoming co ld. These are tablet side-effects? Is it even advisable? She has been undergoing treatment with arip and donep medicine for 2 years she has improved a lot. Not sure why doctor has told us to use above medicine and any advice would be helpful
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Using nexito forte

I am aged about 25Y and using nexito forte for more than 6 months for anti anxiety and depression..before that I will masturbate twice a week but after using those medicines my sexual desire went down even ejaculations at night also happened once at a month... Is there any problem with this medicines. I am in a dilemma that my sperm levels went down by taking those drugs Am i Right?
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