Recently Answered Questions on LINES


Eye red lines its hurting

My mother is 42 years old ..she have a eye problem in both ...there is something growing in eye corner.may be its another skin and there is some red lines that is painful for my mother its hurting doc plz give solution and what's the matter is this
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Grey lines in both side inner cheeks

I have this grey thick lines with little white lines in my both inner cheeks and also two tiny holes in each inner cheeks.. Holes cannot be seen, but i can feel the hole when I touch by my tongue.. It's been around one year... I have the habit of cheek bite and have sharp teeth with irregular forms. I had wisdom tooth cavity and i removed the right wisdom tooth two years back..  I think after that only I'm getting this problem..I'm very much scared.. I don't have any habits of tobacco or alcohol..
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Vertical lines on thumb

Hello doctors, I noticed a parallel vertical light black lines on my left thumb about a month ago. It's still there as it is. It is NOT thick, but it is very thin (Like a tread). They do not pain or have changed any colour. From a distance it just looks like ridges, but if I examine nearby, then I can see the lines. They are not there in any other fingers. What could this be? Vitamin deficiency? I consulted Primary care physician and he told that's nothing. What could it be?
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Smile lines nasolabial folds treatment

How to treat permanently my smile lines nasolabial folds.. including loose skin .. please let me know
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Black lines and holes on teeth edges

The pre-molar & molars of my teeth have a thin black lines and tiny cavities in two teeth. What should I do?
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Moveable lumps in jaw lines

I have few moveable lumps in my jaw lines. 8 years back I was diagnosed with 1 lymp which is reactve lymphadenitis. We didnt do any treatment or surgery to remove it. But now I cab feel more than one lump. Please suggest me how to treat this.
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Reduction of fine lines under eyes

I am 23 years and started having under eye fine lines especially when I smile. I understand it is bound to happen with age but is there any possibility to get rid of them ? Does Retinol actually work and if it does, could you please suggest any such cream for the same? I am not on any other medication. Thank you in advance!!
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Vertical lines on nails

For past few days i have noticed that My nails are starting to get a bit darker and have vertical lines on them and also few small dents, can anyone guide me what's going on with my nails and should i need to be concern. Im attaching a photo but i don't know whether you can see it or not.
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Weird dark lines on my thumbs

Hello Doctor, I have some weird dark lines on my thumbs as attached in the picture. I am not exactly sure how long they have been there but as per my memory its been that way for over an year atleast. I have read in google about this and results are scary. I would like to know your expert opinion on this. Attaching the images of both my thumbs. Thanks
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Eyes red lines occur

I work in bank . currently my no. Is -75.after few hours red lines occur in my eyes.& burning sensation . .what is the reason behind that and what to it because of summer season or due to continuous PC work.or I should not ur kajal
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