Recently Answered Questions on LINES


White lines and peeling nails

Hi my daughter is 4 years old and her fingers and toe nails has white lines and its peeling too. Help me what is that condition?
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Two white lines in mouth

My mamma has two white lines in inner side of there any serious?he feels stretching sometime plzzz ans.
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White lines inside mouth

What are this white lines inside mouth. I just want i there any problem. Actually this is prob with my mom.
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Dark lines on finger nail

I have 2 dark vertical lines on my finger nail and im wondering whats wrong
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Horizontal lines on back

I have these horizontal lines on my back and they've been there for quite some time and I was wondering if there was anything to do to get rid of then
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Eye problem lines seen

I am taking anti epileptic drug for 11yrs and my last attack on 2009. And I am also suffering from floaters since 1.5yrs. My problem is that from 1 month when I woke up from sleeping and if I into the wall i found black lines for 1sec then vanishes. If I close the eye and open it after 1m or 2m, I found different image of lines (sometimes it looks like a crack on the glass, or sometime like a tree branches without leaves, sometimes only lines ). When I look into the sky I use to see many lines floats, i went to a retina specialists and he said my retina is ok and give me soft eye drop. But the black lines or image that I see while I get up from sleep does not float. It only seen for a fraction of second. Please know me why this happens. I am very nervous by seeing this. Will i go blind ?? Please help. Please advise me. Thanks.
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Faint pink lines

Hi I have 26 days period cycle and trying for pregnancy. My period was due on 21st and when I had a HCg test at home I see faint pink lines. Please let me know how to judge this
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She is having receding hair lines.

The hairlines are prominently visible even though she is having less hairfall now. Previously she used to have a lot of hair breaking and hair fall which led to thickening of visibility of hair lines.
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Vertical Lines on Thumb and Toe

From last one month developed faded brownish n black verticals lines on left thumb n right toe ..I m scared what is this plz reply
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Black lines in groin region

I have noticed few black lines in my groin region which are itching and causing a burning sensation. What are these ? Images attached.
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