Recently Answered Questions on Ivf-C


Ivf advice

Recently diagnosed with suspected hydrosalpinx after four failed ivf its been 6 months did not conceive so dr advice ivf again last time with my own egg and they will remove hydrosalpinx aswell but my dr told me first they will take out eggs and then they will do laproscopy and do frozen cycle later and other dr told me they will first remove tubes and after three months they will do egg pick up I am totally confused as my amh level has reduced to 1.45 recently plz advicw which is better this will be my 4 th ivf cycle
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Ivf suggestions

I am going through first cycle of ivf treatment. AMH 1.7. My doctor says right ovary is responding slow than left ovary I.e. follicle size for right ones are less growing compared to left. Will this be a problem?
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Suggestions on ivf

My Amh-7.60. Husband motility 27% Progressive- 10% Wants to know the success rate of ivf treatment.
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Regarding IVF

I am trying since 6 month's. My AMH is 1.71. I did IUI but it failed. Do I really need to go with laparoscopy and IVF or I can try few more month's.
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Regarding IVF

Hello doctors I am suffering from ovarian cyst and trying to concieving from last 1 yeay but because of this I am not able to conceive naturally.i took 3 months contraceptive pill and also I took IUI treatment 2 months before along with the HCG injection and letrozole tablet but it I am on ayurvedic treatment... please let me should I go for IVF treatment or wait more
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Want to go for ivf

Hi.I did my 1st ivf in October n it Amh was 0.8 and my AFC was 6 but only 3 were retrieved n it got said might my due to low amh it failed as quality is husband report is weight is 46 and height is 5.i want to go for 2nd ivf with my own eggs only.what are the chances and how can I increase the chance of pregnancy with my own fsh was 7 on 2nd day
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Ivf question

Does hormones injection needed for each cycle in ivf? Suppose we have 3 embryo which are good enough to be implanted after one egg retreival session. In this case,can these 3 embryo be implanted in 3 separate cycle?
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Regarding ivf

Hi,I am going ivf this month.they have called me on 2nd menses started today after 5 2 nd day will be tomorrow or day after tomorrow,i e, Saturday
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Regarding IVF

Hi. My aunty is 47yrs old. Recently she lost her only son, who was 20yrs old. She is trying to conceive again. Some doctors suggested to undergo IVF. How much duration the process may take and what are the chances of success.? Please help me. It's very much required to maintain her mental condition
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Regarding IVF

To go for IVF how much amount is required , is there any bed rest is required. I stay in telangana ,hyderabad ,which doctor is best. is there any discount facilities, what about medicine cost. Is any hospital in hyderabad providing free facilitities like camps etc., I want to know about what is the Difference between IUI andIVF, which is better?
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