Recently Answered Questions on Ivf-C


Need to know about IVF

I have done 4 C section and if i prefer IVF is there any complecations, and what will be the cost for it... And is there any difficulty in IVF...
4256 Views hidden

Can Ivf baby hav a normal delivery

I have concieved through ivf and want to know do ivf babies come by normal pregnancy or c section is a compulsory
354 Views hidden

Ivf delivery

Hello I am 37 week preganant with ivf treatment .is normal delivery possible in ivf case or should I go through c section and on which week c section can be done. Can I wait for 40 weeks
489 Views hidden

Ivf... ...

Cant we use ivf or iui if a person has ejaculation problem... ... . ... .. ... ... ... . .. ... ... ..
413 Views hidden

Regarding IVF

My doctor suggest me to go for IVF because of my oligoasthenospermia i have a sperm count of 4million per ml.i want to know what is total cost of IVF till the delivery day.Suggest me the best IVF centre with good success rate...
1346 Views hidden

Ivf solution

I have done 1st ivf fail 2nd ivf success but abortion in 5 months due to cervix open 3 rd ivf fail now shiuld i go for 4 th ivf ?
2551 Views hidden

IVF Patient Delivery

Can we opt for a normal delivery for a IVF conceived patient rather C-session if the reports are normal?
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Need a suggestion on ivf.

My both tubes are blocked.... i hav no idea what should i do...plz tell me procedre of ivf... as soon as possible....
1147 Views hidden

Ivf possible

Is ivf possible if there is no egg production in a female and male have normal sperm quality/analysis
371 Views hidden

Should we opt IVF

Hi I am 30year and  it's almost 4 years we are not having baby even after all reports are Normal. Should we go for IVF now.
626 Views hidden