Recently Answered Questions on Ivf-C


I want to done my first ivf cycle

I have done my ivf proess my embross transfer on today please what for my success ivf cycle and delivery healty beby
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Wanted to do IVF

My husband is suffering from E.D.we are from KOLKATA. bt my husband recently posted at MURSHIDABAD. Here we have tried iui thrice but without any we want to go for ivf .can you help us in this regard?do you perform ivf?
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1) For an NRI, if she wants to come to India to do IVF, whats the process and how much time she needs to be in India before flying back? 2) What are the chances of twins in IVF?
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Ivf and vaccination

It's been 2 days I have taken covid 19 vaccination..I'm trying for ivf...when should I go for ivf or should I wait for 1 month
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Ivf treatment

Is there anyway (technology) from which I will have more probability to get ivf done by donor's eggs? I have had gone through ivf treatment by self eggs earlier but hadn't done successful. My AMH is 0.45
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Ivf related

My sister and jijaji are thallesemia minor and they are planning for baby through ivf is it safe. We hospital have the best success rate in ivf cases
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IVF treatment

My wife's oocyte quality not good (central dark) in her ivf cycle summery report.  How serious it could effect in IVF treatment in pregnancy ?
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I have headche nd fever after ivf...full body pain and legs pain...nd too much pain of ivf injections
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Natural IVF

My husband has obstructive azoospermia and I have been diagnosed of breast cancer recently. Hence I would want to try only Natural IVF. I would like to know the best skilled doctor for Natural IVF in Bangalore. Thank you!
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Query regarding my ivf treatment

I'm currently on ivf treatment and underwent egg retrieval procedure on july month and was prescribed estrogen medication since then. But my uterine lining thickness is not good. It's not growing more than 6mm even after estrogen medicine intake and so fet is getting delayed. Since it didn't work, now I'm taking letrozole 2.5mg since day2 of my current cycle and will be taking this medicine till day7. Will this current medication help improve my endometrial thickness? Before ivf, I had iui and I conceived, but unfortunately I miscarried during my 2nd month and underwent d&c. After that, I had one round of hysteroscopy to treat uterine septum. Is there any possibility that D&C and hysteroscopy could have done some damage to my uterus? If so, then how can I recover from this? Will the current medication cycle with letrozole help? Kindly provide your suggestions.
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