Recently Answered Questions on GRAM


Weight doesn't move

Inspite of being in various diets. The weight does not move down at all. Not even in grams. Have been trying and last 7 months have been on a strict diet tooo.
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Hearing Noisy in EAR

Hearing noisy sound over 3 months checked audio gram test also everything is normal but still getting some noisy sound in both ear could you any advice me?
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About drug interactions

I take escitalopram 10 mg daily and amitriptyline 35 mg daily can I take 1 gram ashwagandha is it safe .
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Best hospital for a prostate surgery

Hello Everyone! please suggest the best Hospital in Pune for a Prostate Surgery (TURP) The prostate has grown to 100 grams now and we need the best hospital as my father has heart issue and Lungs issue too. Suggestions are welcome.
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Sugar levels

My fasting sugar is 77. My Sugar 2 hours after eating 75 gram glucose is 72. My doctor said you are potential diabetic. Is this true?
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Baby weight gain 22 day old baby is gaining weight at an average of 50 grams per day. Is this normal? Kindly clarify
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I am seeing leafs and green grams. I feel like my ability to digest food has reduced. Need assistance in improving the same. I had piles and fissures a year ago. Now i am alright.
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Foetal weight

How much weight.a foetus can gain in aweek from 28th weeks?how many grams?a foetal weight is almost given +-180gm what should we expect + or -180gm
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I have attached the report

Post covid there is on and off mucus in my throat so doctor had asked me to take sputum test and xray,xray result i have not got but what is gram positive cocci chain seen?is it contagious?is it lifelong?
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Abdominal pain and cramps

Whenever I eat sprouts that contain moong and gram , i get abdominal pain and gas. How to eat sprouts correctly and when is the right time to eat it?
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