Recently Answered Questions on Doxycycline


Sexually transmitted infection

Please I have taken doxycycline and cipro for two weeks. I have taken benzathine injection but I still urinate more frequently and experience slight pain in the penis when I ejaculate. Is there any test I can take or any other antibiotic that will cure it. Please I need help
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Acne vulgaris

I went to a dermatologist she prescribed me a combo of doxycycline(day & night) with isotretinion 20mg (night). Is it safe to take both the drugs at a time ? I was facing hairloss tremendously .
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Chlamydia, and trichomoniasis.

I think my doctor wants me too take too much antibiotics I read online that these only need too be took for 7 days. Why would I need three weeks. Of metronidazole and doxycycline hyclate.
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Had stye before 1 month still swollen

Hi, I had a eye stye on june.i had taken medicine doxycycline and zerodol sp that time but however that pain got reduced but swollen is still there..Now it's been a month I feel like swollen is increasing again.What should I do?
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Is it safe

I have taken thyronorm 25mcg tablets in morning bt also because of acne doctor suggesting me that take doxycycline&lactic acid bacillus capsules in night time. Is it safe????
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Acne problem

I have acne on my t -portion. nd my doctor suggest me panderm plus nd doxycycline tab. but i found in net dat panderm cause many side effect can i use dis???
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I have acne problem on my nose

I am using BIOMYCIN along with a soap aloway and also using DOXYCYCLINE AND LACTIC ACID BACILLUS CAPSULES to control acne is above medication is usefull or can i use any other medications.
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Pimples acne problem

I am 27yrs. Female.I have been prescribed doxycycline lactic acid bacilicus for 6 months...1 per day . Is is ok. Or it has side effects. Any effect on kidney. Pls guide.
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Pimples and Acne Problem

Is it okay if I consume Doxycycline and lactic acid bacillus capsules (Doxt-SL) daily for pimples Does it have any side effects???
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Drug Interactions

So I take Doxycycline, Gabapentin, Ritalin LA, and Zoloft medications daily. I was wondering if it was okay for me to take Azithromycin while taking these medications?
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