Recently Answered Questions on Doxycycline


Shapeless and irregular passing of 💩

In 2021 I got infected with Covid delta and during that period I used to have a doxycycline for 10 days and after that I have this shapeless passing of stool it's not diarrhea but its not like before covid.. 🥲
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Chlamydia. T infection

Have done course with doxycycline 100mg tablet 2 times per day for a week.. Still feeling like my symptoms didnt go.. What should i do now? Itch while discharge; burning in vagina
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Dr vivek gautam

For your last asked question regarding my h pylori query 1. I am currently prescribed sultamicillin and doxycycline and ppi twice a day. Please help me further. I am really scared
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Reoccurring acne

I was facing acne issue then I have started  taking doxycycline which prescribed by doc but after I stop taking doxy I am again getting pimples now I am taking tracnil sachet but stile getting acne please suggest.
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Staphylococcus infection

I'm consulting with physician they give prescription doxycycline and facina gel acn gel and amoxillin last 4 years what hind of treatment management take it will cure
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Drug related query

Doxycycline 100mg tablet or Doxycline 100mg capsule , Whick work well ? Drug work best in which form , capsule or tablet or liquid .
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Sore throat and tonsillitis

I m having sore throat and tonsillitis from past one month which is not reliveing on medication such as zifi cv200, doxycycline, Azithromycin, levofloxacin and betadine gargle what should I do
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Treatment of TB

I'm a TB patient. I am taking 3 times TB medicine. My question is that Is Doxycycline safe with Anti-TB medicine.
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What should we have to do now?

My gynecologist friend initially prescribed DOXYCYCLINE taking it after 4days we stopped due to lac of communication with that doctor after that he again prescribed SWITCH CV with some vitamin tablets .which are still taking .
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Horrible anxiety about black fungus

I have developed anxiety after recovering from covid. Recovered on 10th may. No steroids. No oxygen. No hospital stay. Took doxycycline and fabiflu. Any changes of black fungus?
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