Recently Answered Questions on Doxycycline


Covid medicine

Dear doctor government is prescribed Doxycycline (antibiotic) for covid treatment . Why can't they prescribed anti viral drugs instead of antibiotics...?
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Covid 19 Since 7 days

Covid since 7 days today suffering of little breathing problem while talking taking tab ivermectin ,zinc ,vit c tab pcm and doxycycline
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Alternative recommendation

I'm supposed to take Doxycycline for folliculitis, so can I take Doxy 1 l-dr forte instead? It's the same, no?
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Corona positive 11 days passed

Sir, I have passed 11 days since my corona test report was positive. It started with 3 days fever then fever gone. I have no fever from last 5 days with out medicine. My question is should I take ivermectin and doxycycline now if not taken earlier.
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Vdrl coming Reactive again and again

I have tested vdrl posetive in the month of March since then I had taken erythromycin for 20 days and when I tested again in the next month it was still  reactive. Then I have started taking doxycycline for 20 days 2 doses per day in this month. Which test should I do now? Will this be Reactive for ever ? Or it will be come to an end one day
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Blind pimple

I have many blind pimples on my cheeks. I have been using doxycycline and faceclin. The size has been reduced but the pimple isn't going. When I touch my face I can still feel bumps on that area. And when I stop this meds again it pops up at the same place.
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Bacteria prostatitis

I am suffering from bacterial prostatitis seemen culture show staph bacteria and sensitive to doxycycline 100mg my question is how long I take to fully cure plz reply me
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Bleeding after Hsg test

My hsg test was done on 18june i had sex on 20th june since then i am bleeding and i have very mild cramp on and off ,i have taken doxycycline,  and pantoprazole  and texid 500mg from 22nd june. Is it normal?
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Acne since 5 months

Hello doctor I have been suffering from acne since 5 months..have tried antibiotics doxycycline 100mg for got better but again acne is back.please suggest
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Pimple and acne marks

Sir I am using benzoyl peroxide cream along with derivatives CMS gel and doxycycline capsules in 5 weeks but no improvement in my skin how many time does it take to clear skin.
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