Recently Answered Questions on Diclofenac


Muscle pain in Right hand

I am having muscle pain in my right forearm and upper arm. In upper arm, I'm experiencing pain only in biceps. Both front and back muscles are paining in forearm. No relief from application of diclofenac ointment. I'm unable to stretch my right arm fully. I'm having exams from Wednesday. Please suggest me a solution to my problem. Thank you.
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Muscle joint pain

I had cough and cold few months back around nov last year and it took around one month to get recovered however since to that date I have been suffering from joint muscle pain especially in both knee joints recently I checked with general physician in practo and said suffering from fibromyalgia and told me to take several CBC blood test which came normal every time and told me to take diclofenac sr 100 daily once after two weeks suggested to take diclofenac with PCM 50/500mg day and night I had more pain initially then I stopped after two three days stared taking regularly and now feel more better but still I feel some sort of burning pain and inflammation sensation when I sit and sleep and feel that day by day I feel better. My ques is so I need to continue to take with that medicine or suggest any natural remedy to my pain away because I have been struggling more than four months and recently had more pain but feel relaxed now
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Viral fever

My colleague had viral fever a week back and I too got infected by it 4 days back. Went to the doctor and when he checked it was 39.7 degree C. So he prescribed some medicine and advised to come back if I still had the symptoms after 2 days i.e., yesterday. But yesterday I was feeling lively and energetic and the fever was gone so I just took diclofenac medicine and stopped the paracetamol. So I put on the AC and went to sleep. But suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night with some temperature same as it was when I had the viral fever a few days back. This isn't that severe as body pain is less but I can feel the temperature inside. I immediately took one paracetamol now. What might be the reason for this? Should I consult the doctor again or continue with the same medication? The medicine which were prescribed were paracetamol, diclofenac and levofoxacon.
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Rib injury

Hi, My husband had a fall from a two wheeler a week back and hurt his rib.. Ortho prescribed a Diclofenac patch called nu patch for 5 days.. He has been using it for 3 days now.. But no respite. Today we did an x ray and found there was no fracture.. He has mild heavy breathing while trying to lie down.. Otherwise breathing is normal.. But pain is not coming down.. Difficult to sit and stand also.. Pain is radiating to shoulder and back.. Please suggest
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Both knee oa

My mother is heart patient and has both knee oa. Recently she had hard swelling and pain n both leg. Doctor suggested to go for Cartikool Capsule, Shelcal-OS and Flexon Tablet for a week. The other doc suggested to go for Shelcal-500, Calcitriol 60000IU, Diclofenac 100mg + paracetamol 325mg, Thiocolchicoside 4mg. Please advise for clarity knowing she has existing heart patient. Thanks in advance.
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Pain in chest

I am having pain in right side and center of my chest.I am washing utensils for last 6 months and i think its increasing because of that.i dont have any other problem like sweating or palpatation or any covid symptoms like fever,loss of smell,taste or shortness of breath.i am having this pain from last 1month and today i am having on my right side of chest towards my right shoulder.Please suggest what to do.I am applying diclofenac ointment .
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Very dull pain in left scrotum

Was diagnosed for epididymitis, funiculitis, hetergenous str.,and mild hydrocele.swelling is gone but there is always some pain in scrotum.I have taken up some four antibiotics,first ciprofloxacin,then cefixime and azithromycin both at once,then cefixime alone and then levofloxacin.And pain killers containing diclofenac and serritipidase.also wear scrotal support.currently taking chmoral forte only,no any antibiotics.Its been about 6-7 months now
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Pus in right breast

Hi, i m breastfeeding mom of 2 months old.. i have got hard lump in right breast n there is pus in it.. the doctor said it can be cured by antibiotics.. so i am taking trypsin bromelain rutoside trihydrate and diclofenac sodium tablets, ciplox 500 and amikacin 500 injection twice a day for 5 days... will this medicines help in drying the pus?  please tell me uses of these medicines..
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About cold throatpain and low fever

I'm 25yrs male yest having cold ,light throat pain fever 99,went to doctor and he given ,zomox cv625mg ,dolo625,tablet,and diclofenac 50mg+paracetamol 325mg combination,tab is it sufficient for this today ihad taken antibiotic mrng ,no temp thats why I had not taken Dolo ,I m having he'd ache ,hands are cool,what I want to do now pls help
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Lower back pain

I am seeking advice for my 5 yrs 6 month old son, who got his back pain while playing on the bed (jumping) 2 days ago. Consulted the doctor today, he confirmed no fracture, pain may be due to damage to muscle, prescribed paracetamol syrup, calcium tablet and diclofenac cream. My concern is that my son is not getting relief from pain, it's Sunday and very difficult to reach out to doctor at the moment. Please advise. Best regards.
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