Recently Answered Questions on Diclofenac


Lower back pain near hip

For past tendays,he is having lower back pain near hip on the left side.he is having pain while sitting and getting up and while taking things from floor by bending down.. Applied Diclofenac gel Can he take myospaz twice1-0-1 for 3 days along with pan 40 1-0-0 as advised He is a heart patient
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Ear infection

Have used ear bud in right ear which resulted in blood and pus in the ear. Already have perforated ear drum. Taken amoxyclav 625 and Diclofenac since last 2 days. No improvement has seen. Sh sh sind coming from the ear. Please suggest what to do?
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Query regarding drug interaction

I'm currently on 5 shots Rabies vaccine(purified vero cell) course.I've completed 2/5 shots.Right now I'm experiencing headache,so can I take aspirin for it.Is it safe to take aspirin/diclofenac sodium/paracetamol or any other painkiller during the course of rabies vaccine?
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Stone problem

Hi, I am suffering the stone pain. After diclofenac injection got relief from pain. Immediately I took the  scan and got to know 4mm one stone in vu junction  and some stones in kidney. Could you please suggest/ remedies for smoothly moving out.please find the attached report and suggest from report if any thing we don't know from report.Thank you very much.
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Knee pain, since last 2days

Dear Sir Before 2 days ago when I stop my scooter, my right leg was twist now i have started a pain in joint and patella. Right now I am using pain killers medicine and applied diclofenac tube, but still pain remains the same and while walking pain is increasing. Please suggest some medicine or treatment.
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Fever upto 101

Dear sir Tooth pain cheek pain gone little .but I got tonsils which is same side of left side of check and fever 98 to 101 very hot feeling pls advice any tabs .am taking calpol 500 and almoc tab ..  and yesterday taken diclofenac injection doctor recommended .any other pls sugegst still fever having and pain of tonsils thanks
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Feels cold during morning 11 am to 4 pn

Hello, I feel cold very much in the morning due to which i also feel headache from 11am onwards. When i take paracetamol or diclofenac everything becomes normal. I did hba1c, T3, T4, TSH, iron, vitamin b12 test all normal. Vitamin D is 23(slightly less). Doctors says my immunity might have decreased. What can be done to make things normal. Is there any other test to find out what is the problem or any medication to cure this issue ?
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Injection swelling

Hi sir I have taken diclofenac injection on 20th march now since 2 days the area was that injection was swelling and zero size like button pain coming sevear.. May I know is add any chances for pain of injection now after 1 days.. Or might other problem Pls suggest am not able to walk what I have to do Pls suggest or is der any xray or scanning of that area  right side leg backside... I can't able to understand
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Cervical Spine

From last two month I have very un bearable pain in left in shoulder back that radiating to wrist and arm ,I have done X rays and MRI ,MRI shows loss of cervical lordosis doctor prescribed me gabanueron, diclofenac prolonged, nucart 4 mg,when I taking these tablet feeling pain in brain pls suggest me
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Left leg knee pain

Sir , a month before i get down the running bus with speed around 20 t0 30 and it started pain in the left leg as posed whole while getting down and consulted a clinic and he suggested me wear a knee cap and also to use diclofenac gel but their is no change in pain when im not using cap iam feelin bit pain sir what should i do now and im 20.
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