Recently Answered Questions on D-PAIN


Vitamin d deficiency

Can dropping vitamin d levels cause weight loss muscle pain. Tiredness general weakness My vitamin d level is 8
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Vitamin d level is 34.5

My vitamin d level is 34.5 and I am getting pain in neck and back..Does this level of vitamin d is sufficient ? Or it should be increased ?, If yes how to get it increased ?
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Very low vit-D and iron

I have low vitamin-D and iron but optimum calcium. Have a lot of pain in limbs especially in fingers. Not sure how to understand the low vitamin-D but enough calcium Please help
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Vitamin D required

Please tell me how much vitamin d should be in our body in Manopause . Please check my report...I have back pain .
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Vitamin D deficiency

Hello respected Doctors, Greetings. What are the symtoms of vitamin D deficiency apart from bone pain? Regards
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Very Low Vitamin D Levela

Hi, I had chest pain and doctor advised vitamin d test. I will attach the report to see. What does this suggest and what can i do to improve the levels.
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Vitamin d problem

Hi doctor, i have checked my Vitamin D last week, got result of 17.85 ng/ml. I have body pain hair fall, fungal problems and weight gain etc, Please advise. Thanks
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D dimer question

I had an elevated d dimer of 707 at emergency room with calf pain. Rechecked and it was 0.57. Is 0.57 still elevated or did it come down?
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VIT D effect???

I have been taking Vit d supplements and eating Vit d rich foods as well as sitting under sun for min 30mins a day for nearly 2 weeks. I have been doing all these for 2 weeks now. I still have some pricking/needle like pain sensation in my knees and sometimes knee pain when I try climbing stairs. when will the sensation and pain go away???
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Excess vitamin d and uric

I was having pain in my legs few year back which turned out to be because of vitamin d defeciancy. After that pain was reduced but only when i keep taking that rockbon sachets. Now my vitamin d and uric acid count is hoght. Vitamin d is 135. Please tell me what food to eat and whic doctor to consult in Gurgaon
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