Recently Answered Questions on Clopilet


Bruises post Covid-19

Hi I was diagnosed Covid positive on 17Apr and took all the medications as per Covid guidelines(Plus steroids). And then I was diagnosed Covid negative on 30th Apr. Recently, 4 days ago I notices Bruises(1 major and few minors on hand and legs) which I am sure is not because of any physical injury. Currently I am taking Clopilet A 75 and multivitamin daily. I have an existing diagnosed Urticaria from last 5 years. Please help and suggest what could be the reason for bruises or blood clots.
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Tablet issue??

Sir My father age is 52 and treatment continues 2.5 years under cardiologist In KGMU ( Lucknow). I had to undergo angioplasty on 05.03.2016.There were one blocks and one stents were required. My previous continue tablet are - - Clavix A75, Avas 20, prolomet-R50, Rabicon dsr Now at this my cardiology change the tablet Clopilet 75mg start and Clavix A75 stop Is it correct treatment or not??? Please reply sir.
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Cardio diabetic patient since 2011

Blurred vision with muscle pain and tiredness taking cardace 5 mg.along with metolar xr 50. Pantadoc 40 mg levazeo 25. Ecospirin 50 mg. Clopilet 75 mg statin 20 mg istamet 100/1000. With thyronorm 37.5 daily kindly advise if any medicine can be reduced
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Suggestion on CAG

Age 71 Female c/o T2 DM since 2006 , First diagnosed in 2011.... CVA in 2011... Two episodes of convulsions then... Touchwood nothing happened and she leads a normal life. Recently got ECG done. No chest pain or other complaints... On Rx Clopilet since 2011...  Insulin since last 2yrs ... Fluctuating sugar level. Echo report attached. Considering her age is CAG really necessary? Please advice.
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Asking for prognosis and further treatme

Patient complains of right hand and right leg numbness and unable to move completely. On mri acute infarct seen on left. Mca ( insular cortex, patchy areas of fronto temporo parietal lobe with no significant mass Effect). Dsa done. Ecospirin, clopilet given. Pt is in icu, wait and watch is being done.
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Discharging penis

For the last five years my penis has been discharging some water like mucus when i get ready for sexual intercourse and i am a heart patient , with a stent using some medicine since 2011 and the tablets are clopilet -A 75, RAMISTAR 5, NOVASAT 20 , CONCOR COR 2.5 AND i have lot of ED problems like pre mature ejaculation , and i am not a diabatic but BP patient . so kindly suggest me solution for my mucus like water heavily discharge from my penis before sex
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Heart surgery and medications

My father had a heart attack in Aug2016 two stunts are placed at that time and one more block identified at that time it is showing 30%blockage my dad using these medicines. Clopilet 75mg, ecosprin 325MG,rosuvas 20mg, cardivas6.25mg.recently 2decho test conducted EF is showing 44%,BP 130/70.he is doing job in rtc as a conductor, is it better can I doany additional test,as report says in left atrium blood pumping is very slow can you recommend additional tests,other medicine,can he continue job
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Dental caries(?superficial) of 8-9 teeth

I have dental caries involving 8-9 teeth. Dental extraction is advised as elective and is delayed due to Anti-platelet agents, on Clopilet A 75 and whether it can be stopped for dental surgery is not clarified. Have CAD-with PTCA(LAD-stent), taking Metrogyl 400mg BID for 3 days, Augmentin 625mg bid for 3 days, once in 3-6months for 3 years. Asymptomatic with eating food, soft food better tolerated. Is it OK to hold antiplatelet agents for 3-4 days; dentists 2-3 are saying to stop for week??
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Pulmonary edema treatment

My father aged 83 had CABG in the year 2006 and since then he has been taking Medicines. Recently he was diagnosed for pulmonary edema. At present he is taking the following medecine. Clopilet 75 mg Cytogard od 60 mg Cilachar Cardivas Nitrocortin Dytor Nadosis Nephrosave Neurobion fortepiano Volix with food He has also been advised to take lasix 20 mg IV Injection fortnightly. Please advice how to check the accumulation of fluids in lungs due to which he is getting hospitalised frequently. Regards
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Pantacid d

I am using pantaid d for the last 2 years. One kidney removed due to cancer. Treatment is going  for heart problem also . Using complet 75 mg ,actor 10mg, nexovas 10mg. Cardiologist prescribed pantacid d and ecosprin 75mg previously.Now he prescribed clopilet 75mg instead of ecosprin and remove ed pantacid d .But i am using it continuesly.i am feeling that my stomech in creasing. My is it good to continue pantacid d? I have gastic problem. Im 63 years old.weight 69 kgs.
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