Recently Answered Questions on Clopilet


Sex with partner

I am taking daily clopilet a150 mg tablet. Can I sex with my partner .is there any effect for this tablet
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Not much problems at times breathlessnes

Ldl is 149,HDL 55,vldl 25, s cholesterol 229, body at 70kgs I am under treatment after agioplasty.taking rosette 20mg and clopilet --A75 . rosette at night clopilet in the afternoon.i am 70 years. ,
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COVID vaccination

Respected sir/Madam My father in law is under medication of Clopilet for past 6 years. Can he take COVID vaccine? Kindly advice what steps needs to be followed
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Abdominal burn and pain

I am using clopilet 75 mg instead of ecosprin 75 mg as per the instructions of gastro it correct
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Sudden sweating in cold and rainy day

Hi, My mom had Sudden sweating in cold and rainy day with light dizziness. She is has BP and currently on clopilet A 75 mg medication. Is there any cause of concern here.
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Tongue swelling

Dr. Bagirath. R had operated my heart and had prescribed a few medicines{ CLOPILET -A 150MG, NOVASTAT 20MG, METPURE-XL 25 MG, TELDAY 40MG
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Weak heart

I have weak heart and blood pressure and cholostral Doctor medication is Telemikind 40 Rosuvas Prolomet xl 40 Clopilet Finate 160 Rabekind Amlopin 10 Homocheck. Is that correct
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Mild strok blood clot bra

Mild paralysis stroke on brain, blood clot in brain to eye nerve I'm using medicine for EPILIVE morning and evening,afternoonHOMIN,CLOPILET A150,night,STATOR 40 any suggestions
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Heart- Pain in left hand

Hi Doctor, My father is suffering from heart disease. Currently he is taking medicines like ( Ranx 500, Clopilet A 150, Metzok 50). However still he is complaining that he is getting pain in his left hand till his heart. Please advise what can be done. Regards, Sanjay
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Nose bleeding

Angiography done revealed eclectic LAD, Distal LAD totally occluded and echo showed RWMA plus initially but tested normal after a day of Angiography. Dr prescribed ecospirin and clopilet 150mg. After a month done TMT and successful. When I complained of nose bleeding reduced dosage to clopilet 75. Still bleeding continuing. So approached ENT doctor and he prescribed Shelcol calcium supplement taken for 15 days and stopped. The nose bleeding was there for years but increased on clopilet
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