Recently Answered Questions on CRESTOR


Post surgery scaphoid surgery

My scaphoid nonunion (avn) surgery has been done in 2018 with bone graft from illic crest with k wire fixation now it has been 4 years for surgery. Until now I feel pain in 3 to 4 months gap when I lift weights and play cricket etc. and pain goes it own in 2,3 days. Is it common, today I do X-ray by my sergeon advice he say that bone is ok you can have some pain it is common. Please see x ray and report and tell me is it ok.
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Blood Pressure

My Dad's blood pressure is frequently above 130 diastolic below 70 to 80 systolic at home but whenever we visit hospital the BP shoots up to 180/85 or 185/90. Should he start with BP medicine? Is it true that BP medicine has to be taken lifelong? Can i go for homeopathy? He is on Crestor 10 medication for high LDL which is now under control. Please suggest.
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Muscles Pain / Tiredness / Lost Focus

I am taking crestor 40MG and Ezetrol 10 Mg, my cholesterol results are as follows: Total Cholesterol: 4.25 LDL: 2.5 HDL: 093 Triglyceride 1.82 All are in MMOL/l unit, I want to reduce statins, i feel fatigue, most probably muscle pain, tiredness, lost focus. Did CPK was 312, and ECG was fine.
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Liver fibrosis 6.1

I was diagnosed with high cholesterol in 2009. From 2010, i have been taking statins ( Crestor 10 mg - alternative days). From 2014, i got my liver enzymes high .From Feb. 2014 i stopped to take statin.Fibroscan for the liver on 05/03/2016. They diagnosed with fibrosis 6.1 classifying as F1 and Steatosis was 275.
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Implant and Abutment

Hi, A few months ago I got an implant fixed. But I do not wish to continue with this dentist anymore. She mentioned its a screw retained implant. The details of which are below : Crestal Incison and flap reflection. Versah Densah burs used for osseodensification. Implant placed and Cover screws placed. Size 4.0 x 10 - 25 Implant :Osteem Teeth 26. My question is this : Are these details enough for me to go to a different Implantolgist to get my abutment done?
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Orthopaedic question

Hi, I had an operation on my wrist start of December 2017 and got an x Ray today to see how it is healing. The operation was an open reduction with internal fixation of the scaphoid, a bone graft was harvested from my iliac crest. The surgeon today was a bit rushed and didn’t really tell me if it was healing as expected and told me he’d like to see me again in 6 months. I have a picture of my x Ray if someone can have a look and see what they think.
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To reduce statin - High Cholesterol

I am taking crestor 40MG and Ezetrol 10 Mg, my cholesterol results are as follows: Total Cholesterol: 4.25 LDL: 2.5 HDL: 093 Triglyceride 1.82 All are in MMol/l unit, I want to reduce statins, i feel fatigue, most probably muscle pain, tiredness, lost focus, can you please urgently advise.
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Inability to orgasm or ejaculate

I am a 40 year old man. In july I had what they are referring to as a Spinal stroke around the area of T-7. Since then I have had to learn to walk again and am semi incontinent. The part Im wondering about is my inability to achieve an orgasm and ejaculate. I can achieve an erection but cannot finish. is there a cure? I take 75 mg Lyrica 81 mg asprin 30 mg Myrbetiq 20 mg crestor All once daily
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Severe Sciatica pain that runs down the

My 84 year old Mother recently developed arrhythmia and takes cumadin,, metopropl, crestor, lisinipril and tylenol. She recently developed severe sciatic pain and cannot take any pain medication because of her arrhythmia. The pain has caused her blood pressure to rise higher along with her pulse. What can we do to alleviate the pain. She had bypass surgery in 2004 and has been in great health until now.
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Scaphoid post surgery pain

My scaphoid nonunion (avn) surgery has been done in 2018 with bone graft from illic crest and with k wire fixation now it has been almost 6 years for surgery. Until now I feel pain in 3 to 4 months gap when I lift weights and play cricket etc. and pain goes it own in 2,3 days. Is this pain common?? today I do X-ray . Please see x ray and report and advise me. I have attached it.
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