Recently Answered Questions on CRESTOR


Bone grafting

My husband had autograft from iliac crest to tibia last month due to bone loss owing to fracture, it has been 6weeks since the graft. Please look at the attached photos and tell me if bone growth is happening.
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One side of nose is blocked due to deviated nasal septum. Is it compulsory undergoing septoplasty?. I have breathing difficulty, headaches, crest in nose, phlegm in throat and pain in face
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Bacterial infection

Some kind of blister like pus has been formed on my daughters face first at begining it is red and a lil bit yellow colour then  after two days it gets crest this is contagious and spreading near her mouth area and now inside her nose plz help
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Fever cold and eye infection

Hi Doctor..Fever is kind of recurring..cold is there with nose block..iam on medication from appolo..discovered that i have eye infection as well which started yesterday and is on medication as well..The fever started its crest on Tuesday and decreased on iant noticed during day time
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Pcos stabbing pain

I am diagnosed with pcos last year , sometimes the pain is shooting and very sharp in my pelvic area left and right side , does it indicate an emergency right now am having severe pain since evening which can be manageable but am worried so much its like sharp pain , kind of pulling,and inserting something pain in left iliac crest area . Pls help thank you
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Hba1c 6.6 %

My Dad's Hba1c report came up 6.6. Is it a matter of concern? He is not diabetic, only takes Crestor 10 due to LDL level but now it is normal. From past 2 months he is consuming sweets and outside food in between as we had functions in the family. Should i wait for some months or consult a diabetologist immediately?
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I been having really bad chest pain

No current time of day, or never after meals. But I will have extremely bad pain in the center of my crest, it last for about 2-5 mins of 10-15 mins. Depending on the case. It hurt bad, and troubles my daily breathing
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Lower back pain

Doc,I had blunt trauma to ilium crest of right hip.i was sitting facing away & person bymistake while sitting thrusted on my right hip. I had x-ray, no fractures.lower back pain and right side pain level 4 out of 10. No other symptoms. Is it hip pointer?
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Having eaching in my eyes badly.

I am having eeaching problem in my eyes from last 10 days turns to red automatically..... Specially the right one....right eye swelled up...and creating eachingproblem washing my eyes again ..not even certain amount of relief m getting ....and this eaching is not in the eyes it crests body and face teaching also
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Cholesterol High and So is CPK

Hi, one year ago did ask a question here that I have unexplained fatigue, tiredness, confusion, nick muscle issue putting pressure on my left ear causing ringing sometimes but know loosened as I replaced the pillow, at that time I was also taking Crestor 40 but now I am taking 20 Mg (nick issue loosened) and those symptoms reduced but not gone and I am still suffering! My lipid results are as attached in the photo. Did also CPK and was 33IU/L: I refuse to increase the dosage of Crestor to 40 due to what I complain, I am overweight also, I have started taking Omega 3 ( Omacor brand). How are my results and what is your advise? Thanks.
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