Recently Answered Questions on CRESTOR


Crestor and st. Johns Wort

I've been taking Crestor (Rosuvastatin) and am very stressed at the moment so was wondering if it would beneficial for me to take remotiv (St. Johns Wort) which is a mood enhanser and stress reliever.
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Body ache after taking crestor

I have started taking crestor 10mg as my cholestrol level is 235 and with in 2 days i am having flu like symptoms i.e. body and headache. What should i do Should i discontinue the medicine or should i discontinue the same
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Right iliac crest pain

My right iliac crest is hurting. It hurts some when I walk and stand but it hurts the post when I push on it with my fingers or sleep on it. I was also diagnosed with trochanter bursitis on my left hip about 4 months ago
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Pain at Hip (crest part), thigh and calf

I was lifting a heavy object by bending and suddenly I felt a back pain as well as immediately at Hip (crest part). After few second, pain started in thighs (side lower) and calf portion (same side as thighs). Back pain ha slightly been reduced next day but while bending or when body kept loose it moderately pains else it doesn't pain. However, pain in thigs and calf part is still there While sitting or sleeping. While walking I feel pain at Hip crest part and thigh part somewhat more than while sitting. What has happened. What should be done to heal naturally Pls advise.
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My ball's been hurt my crest my muscle

I been in pain bad so bad my balls my leg muscle hurt bad it move to one side to another what's going one with me
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Vitiligo treatment

I have white spot on skin such as focol vitiligo At iliac crest area and thigh
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Suspected pilonidal synus

One small crest with small pimple like at temple bone with no discharge now and no pain around the area.
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Medicine query

I buy medicine from Jan Aaushadi which is more affordable than the branded medicines. Recently Crestor 10 was prescribed for my dad due to uncontrolled LDL. I would like to know whether Crestor 10 and Rosuron 10 are the same?
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Yellow teeth for whitening

Does crest whitening strips work on yellow teeth? And does whitening strips work if it becomes foamy after applying on teeth? And how to stop drooling while putting whitening strips?
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My mother did not take her cholesterol tablets for a week. She takes Crestor 10mg. And now she's resumed it. Is it ok? I'm worried please help. Should I consult a doctor in person??
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