Recently Answered Questions on CLOSED


Throat pain like closed with sputum

Hlo Sir I'm hvng throat pain like I can't swallow(i mean that sputum,, food I can tk nicely not that much) ... I feel something like sputum in my throat... It's not going inside r outside.. Then its drying.. I suffering a lot.. I losted my weight also.. N I'm not feeling hungry that much.. So please advise ME something
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Penis cap closed

Hello dr my penis cap means upper part is close is it normal or it need to open plzzz help me with this should i post a pic?
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Penis foreskin tight and closed

My penis foreskin is stuck and I can't pee plz. I can't pee and blood come over when I try to roll.
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Urine path skin closed

My kid is 3 years old. He has got urinary infection. We diagnosed doctor we need to do circumstance. Pls refer me the good pediatric surgeons.
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Closed comedones and acne on face

Getting comedones and acne on face. Tried home remedies but no luck. Due to this getting scars as well as I have a bad habit of picking my pimples.
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My ear closed and paining

I am suffering from fungi in my ear.from 1 month Plz give any idea to prevent. I am already meet from doctor.
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Penis foreskin is closed, can't remove

Penis foreskin has itching, and it's dry, not able to remove skin from penis head, foreskin open area is reducing. This problem is since a year.
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My 17 week pregnancy usg report shows 3.5cm.cervical length,Internal OSclosed ,Internal OS diameter12mm ,my doctor suggests for cervical cerclage,is it necessary ,i am 34y old  my 1st pregnancy married age 1 year, of cerclage but i am.progestrone injection, plz any of doctor answer worried from.last 10 i need to go fr cerclage, plz suggest other alternatives
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Closed OS 38 week pregnancy

I'm 38 week 3 days pregnant.still my OS is closed.there is no any other complications in my pregnancy plz guide me how to open os and normal delivery possible or not ?
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Post Covid Syndrome : closed Noses

Hi Doctor, I had covid in Nov 2020 (1st week) and recovered after 3-4 weeks.. My smell and taste gone in November and came back in December.. Everything was going good till January.. Then I started to feel a weird taste and smell especially which contains onions, meat, garlic.. also few perfumes and petrol smell burnt.. My noses are blocked everyday (either 1 or sometimes both).. I consulted with 2-3 ENT specialists and they prescribed saline nasal spray.. but its not getting cured.. I am taking hot water steam which gives instance relief but it wont last for more than 1 hour.. Please help
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