Recently Answered Questions on CLONOTRIL


Anxiety Disorder

Hi, I have been suffering from anxiety from 2 months with 2 initial episodes of panic attack for heart and other for breathing, however gradually after accepting anxiety panic attacks seem less concern, however now with the help of meditation and mindfulness along with clonotril i am able to manage it however it does tend to come sometimes harder in ways that do make me afraid sometimes eg tightness on the back of head and some tightness in chest or stomach...please advise what additional i can do fo manage this also this started in the lockdown when 2nd Wave was at peak and heard all negative news and also when i go out of my house i do not have any symptoms of anxiety.  Any advise would be appreciated as i want to tame this beast in me.
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Impaired Coordination and stop talking

My sister is a biopolar disorder patient, She was taking Litca 450 SR since 5 years, but last year doctor said to stop the medication as my sister was planning a baby,  recently she gave birth of a baby girl, but after 3.5 month of delivery she was crying and become little depressed. Doctor prescribe her Cyclotin 20 one tablet/day after breakfast and Clonotril 0.25 one tablet/day at the time of sleep at night. after first two days of taking medicines her anxiety was heigh and not feeling love to her child, but after one week she stop talking to any one, she is sitting on the bed whole day, not willing to take any food and have an impaired Coordination. What to do.
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Burning sensation(upper body) problem

Hello doctor, Previously I have OCD problem 3 years back. Burning sensation  all over the body (but presently experience in upper body,back,eyes,head )and stomach tightness  comes  in 2019 January.I checked many general doctor and gastroenterology specialist they said nothing is there in your body may be due to I went to psychiatrist doctor previously I underwent OCD treatment from him 2years before he said these are OCD symptoms only he asked me to take daxid tablet currently iam taking 150 mg daxid if burning sensation come means clonotril 0.5 But I don't have any anxiety symptoms experienced previously only this burning sensation.i have confusion whether OCD will also cause it or not.whether my treatment process going correctly or not . please give suitable clarification sir
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5years depression

I am taking treatment of depression since five years ago.iam taking treatment of psycatrist. I am taking daxid 50mg at morning and afternoon and mirtaz 15 mg before meal and fluoxine 100 after meal but my imprument very slow.then doctor start bupron sr 150 and pacitane 2mg two times and stop fluoxine i unable to sleep at night i am totally disturb and unstable.then doctor stop bupron and pacitane at night and start clonotril 0.5mg . now i feel very unstable and week, suicide thought
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since 1978

I have been suffering from OCD since 1979 and taking allopathic treatment since 1985. At present I am taking the below noted medicines: 1. Clonotril -1 mg                   2... X....1. 2. Fluvoxin CR-100 mg         1... X....2. 3. Ciplar LA- 40 mg               1... X... X. 4. Sizodin- 0.50 mg.              X...X.....1. 3. Ciplar- LA 40mg
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Anxiety issue

I start feeling palpitations suddenly and approached general doctor and prescribed some anxiety tablet s I took the tablets and I dint feel any Palpitations again after 3 days I felt heavy Palpitations and went to cardiologist there I did blood test, chest xray,ecg echo everything was normal but in ecgtest they mentioned like anxiety Palpitations and he prescribed anxit tablet and nexito for 10 days and  said to visit psychiatrist then after 10 days I visit psychiatrist doctor and prescribed lonozep0.25mg(if emergency) Citalin 10mg Etizola beta 0.50 Clonotril 0.25mg When I see the uses of these tablets and am shocked whether these are safe or it will create big impact ?
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How should I control measuring sp02

Hi doctor, I am getting mad day by day... I am recovered from covid 5 month back. My last ct score showed improving lungs infections but now I am developed phobia of spp02 measuring. I measure 100 times a day. I have 7 oxiometer meter in house. I remains normal when it shows 98 but I get panic and cru when it shows 96-97 constant for more than minutes. I am taking psychiatrist treatment and on medicine of paroxetine 25mg and clonotril from last two weeks. It control fear for few hours and then I return back to measuring sp02. I am dieing slowly due to this... Please help !!! Do I still need to measure sp02??.
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Anxiety and breathing trouble

Hi I am suffering from health anxiety, I think after having a sore throat and correlating it with Covid. It's been a month now. Though I have improved but very slowly. I used to have chest tightness earlier which has kind of subsided. Now, I feel like breathing deeply every 1-2 minutes. There's no wheezing or fever or cough. I am having difficulty sleeping,kind of awake in sleep. My current psychiatrist whom I consulted online has told me hearing my history of symptoms that I have OCD and have prescribed below medications for 2 weeks. Uvox 50mg Clonotril 0.25mg Inderal 10mg I am worried about the breathing and sleeping difficulty post the medications end. Any advise would be helpful.
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Severe Depression

I am 29 yrs old Suffering from severe depression from 2 yrs.i have very strong mood swings. I was taking venla xr 75 and qmind 50 at morning and venla xr 150 with qmind 100 at night. It solved the problem to quite an extent bt i gained 10 kg weight and my anger management is getting worse. Also i had itching problem after taking these. Now the doctor changed the prescription to serta 100 for 10 days then serta 200 at lunch and at night clonotril 2mg. Is the treatment going fine or should i need to change it as my gener physician says that doses r too high. I recently developed grade 2 fatty liver thru usg. Please suggest.
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Lips and around lips are shaking twitchi

My lips and areas around my lips are shaking, i can see it from 4 years please help i have been using clonotril 0.5 mg, inderal 10 mg and cipcal 500 but problem is still there, how to stop it. I have taken EEG brain scan also reports were all normal, please help my age is 25 bcoz of this condition i cant talk properly, cannot move properly in public, and my lips daily dry out alot at the end of the day its peely, dry, chapped and flaky, i use lip balm it removes all dead skin daily in morning i apply at night.
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