Recently Answered Questions on CLONOTRIL


Medication review

I have anxiety disorder and panic disorder since two years. I have taken different medications for anxiety over these two years. Currently I am on Serta 50 mg, Clonotril 0.25mg and sos Alprax. Recently I took a holter monitor test to see if there is any cardiac issue. The report was normal but there was qt prolongation. I have read that the medications I take can prolong qt. So I wanted check is it safe to take Alprax and clonotril?
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Medication is correct or secod opinion

I m onmedication from around 2 months, post meeting a psychatrist since i want to move outfrom present state of depression. Doctor suggested below: First 14 days - nexito 10 mg at night + clonotril .25 Nexito to be taken half initial 4 days and than full. Next 14 days: Nexito 10 mg at night + clonotril .25 Added new Vortidif 10 in morning since i was facing eriction delay due to nexito. Next 14 days Vortidif 10+ nexito 10 in morning + evening and in case of anxiety clonotril .25 to be taken in. Would like to know if above medication is on right track and both medicine are prescribed simultaneously or i need to taken second opinion. I have noticed slight change in mood and m not getting very anxious now.
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Anxiety problem

Hi I had a sudden anxiety episode due to some bereavement in the family and due to overthinking my BP and heart rate went high occasionally Visited a doc, first ECG showed sinus trachycardia and after a few days another anxiety episode came, doc advised ECG, was normal with all blood report normal and was put on Inderal 10mg and clonotril 0.25mg twice a day for 4 days then after reports now doctor has reduced clonotril 0.25mg to once a day at night and stop it after 15 days and has given inderal la 40 mg to continue for 1month with follow up later Will there be any problems with side effects after discontinuation of clonotril 0.25 mg?
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Insomnia in depression

My wife gave birth of our daughter 3.5 months ago. But after 3.5 month of giving birth of our baby she was crying without any reason, feeling low, sad and guilty. We visit to our doctor and she prescribed Cyclotin 20 tablet(1 tab/day after bf) and Clonotril 0.25 (sos). It's 2 week she is taking these medecine but she is not talking to anyone and sitting in the bed whole day. I'm not giving her Clonotril 0.25 tablet because after first 3 day of taking Clonotril I saw she having impaired Coordination, and she is not sleeping at night now, not even in whole day(2-3 hour sleep at night) and having a fear. She is also not asking for our baby as she has no feelings on our baby. She was diagnosed with biopolar disorder 6 years ago and had a panic episode at that time. What should I do now
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Respiration rate

I am currently taking clonotril 0.25 and prosag 25 at night for my anxiety and phobia issues. But I noticed that after taking medicine while lying down and sleeping my respiration rate goes to 10-11 breathes per minute is it normal? Please reply
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Amijoy while breastfeeding

Hi Doc My doctor has prescribed Amijoy 50 and clonotril 0.5 medicine for my anxiety. I have a 2 years old baby who sometimes demand breastfeeding( during night). Is it safe if i breastfeed her once or twice a day? Thank you.
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My Sister have Epilepsy seizures problem

I just want to confirm if she can take the covid 19 vaccination as she daily take medicines which are 1) Topaz 50mg 2) Clonotril 0.25 3) Levera 500mg 4) Thyronorm 100mcg
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Anxiety after mother's death

My mother died one and half month back and now I feel anxiety and sleeplessness. I consultated doctor he gave me clonotril.5 for one week daily at night but I haven't got much relief. Kindly suggest how to recover from this grief. Thanks
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Can i stop my medication

Hey doctor..I met a five days back..u gave me two tablets lithium and clonotril..for 10days course..I am getting the urge to pee all the time..and it's very discomforting while peeing..can I stop the medication?
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Anxiety and fear

I am 60 years old man. Previously diagnosed with anxiety and hypertension. Taking medicine telvas ct40 nebi5 tonact10 nexito10 and clonotril.5. My brain always produce negative thoughts and fear of disease to me my family. I never feel happy. Please suggest me.
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