Recently Answered Questions on CIPLOX


Itchy eyes

I have itchy eyes, specially in corners and most of in night time. I am using ciplox ear eye drop. It doesn't work sometimes. Please suggest for Instant relief.
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My daughter is suffering for Sore eye

My daughter is 3 year old her left eye is sore..  is eye drop is good for her? Pyricol or ciplox?? She is having sore eyes since Jan 4 till now.. what to do ??
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Itching burning

I have too much itching burning in my eyes my on screen time is 13-14 hrs what can ii do can use itone or ciplox eye drop
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Eye problem

My daughter's eyes are redish, eaching and watering from last 3 months. I have used ciplox and moxifloxacine but no benefit. Please suggest some eye drops I am unable to consult doctor during this lockdown.
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Fever with headache

Fever with headache he was using paracetamol 650 mg and ciplox for 2 days and also vomiting sensation sometimes fever then gone but headache was not gone mainly headache problem may be it is typhoid?
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Conjunctivitis treatment

Hi, my wife is having conjunctivitis, she is giving eye drop Ciplox, now she started giving eye drop Moxicip. Also having Allegra. Any other medicine for faster remedee.
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I am 28 weeks pregnant. I have eye swoll

I am 28 weeks pregnant. I have eye swollen so i applied ciplox eye drop. I have used 8 to 9 drops is it harmful for the baby?
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One eye redness

Something fallen my left eye , it was burning and I washed with water, redness reduced a bit , but it's burning, I am using ciplox drops , but it didn't subside
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Acne on cheeks ,forehead around lips

One of my Dr suggest ciplox500 for 5 days,along with sotret 20 mg ,is it good for acne plz let me ,does ciplox 500 works for acne
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Ciplox 500 is safe for breast feeding mother.zerodal so is safe for breast feeding mother and baby
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