Recently Answered Questions on CIPLOX


Pain in left eye

I was hit by some insect on my left eye while driving bike and I took ciplox eye drop, now am getting pain in left eye.
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Please help

Hello i have severe stomach infection...just having yellow water to cure it asap as its diwali soon...i had one ciplox tz in the morning..
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Unable to digest , vomiting

I am unable to digest my food , I consulted with a doctor and I was prescribed ciplox yesterday , unable to eat . Had two Idlis since morning and even that it coming up . Please help
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Acne increased

After eating sotret 20 and ciplox 500 my acne increased 2 times. Its been 2 day and my pustules acne got worse than before
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Eyes red and pain

My father is suffering from red eyes and pain in upper side of only right eye from past 2 days. Not able to handle sunlight. He is taking CIPLOX eye drop but it's not giving any relief. Please suggest any medicine.
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Delayed periods

I haven't had my periods this month till now, I had started on 20th last month. Could it be because of my antibiotics I'm taking for my urinary tract infection? I'm taking tracfree tablets and ciplox-500 since 8 days.
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Eye redness

The right half part of my right eye is red since 3-4 days. I have started using ciplox eye drop since yesterday but not much better recovery is observed by me. What should I do ?
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Hi Sir/Madam, mine left side eye red col

Hi Sir/Madam, mine left side eye red colt is there how can resolve please suggestion me I used Cipla ciplox Eye drops but no results
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Irritation in Eyes

Hi I have irritation amd itching happening in my eye. Hv taken ciplox eye drops bt they are not so effective. Plz Suggest what to do
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Nose bridge swollen

I've had severe pain in the nose and I think its sinusitis. Can ciplox eye/ear drops be used to clear the congestion?
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