Recently Answered Questions on CIPLOX



Sever conjuctivitis since 6days swollen eye burning unable to see unable to open using antibiotic ciplox
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Watery right eye with itching

My right eye is watery and happens mostly because of less sleep I think. Also, it has been itching and watery for about 10 days now on and off. I have been using ciplox eye drop.
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I am 39 years old and into my 5th day of conjunctivitis. Taking eye drop ciplox 4 to 5 times a day for last 5 days and levoday 500 once a day for last 3 days. No progress, please help.
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16 weeks pregnant

I have yeast infection and my doctor prescribed ciplox 500, cansoft and meftal spas and im 16 weeks pregnant can I take this medication.
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Covid vaccine in celiac patient

Hello doctor,my mother has celeac disease and also she is allergic to ciplox antibiotic and its class.she is not on any medication.pls tell me is safe for her to get vaccinated? Will it cause any allergy? Thank you
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Eye infection

I found infection in my eyes on 24th may. Redness in my right eye I used ciplox ip drop but from last two days I feel that problem in visibility from this eye. Is it any serious problem or it is just from infection
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Redness in Eyes

Redness in both the eyes from last 3-4 days. Currently we are using ciplox eye drops twice/thrice a day but I think it is not working properly. Please suggest
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Itching in Eyes

Dear Doctor,I am Suffering with Itching in My Eyes from last 15 Days kindly Guide me to overcome this .I used Ciplox D drops and Allegra 120Tab also but not Cured .
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Right ear pain

Hello Doctor, Right ear pain and feeling blocked but not too much, very mild. Please see the photo and please advise me ear drops. Now im using ciplox D. Thank you doctor.
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Pain in ear

I am having pain Inthe left ear since past 1day. Yesterday I took ciplox ear drops but in I bought homeopathic medicine
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