Recently Answered Questions on CEPODEM


Enlarged tonsils

My daughter's tonsils r swollen.she has issue in swallowing and is vomitting a lot. No cold,cough. Has fever which reaches to 103. i started with augmentin dds yesterday. But today her health is worse and seems no effect. 4 doses of 7.5ml r given to her along with ibugesic plus,ondem and allegra. Please suggest shud i start cepodem and stop augmentin? Or what should i do she is having 103 fever and not eating atall.
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Fever for last 5 days

My son age 15 yrs experiencing fever ranging from 100 to 102 degree for last 5 days. Started taking antibiotics , Cepodem 200, Syp Alex and Dolo 650 mg  twice a day since yesterday morning after consultation with Doctor. Not much improvement. How long it will take him to recover. Any other advise or should I continue with the current treatment.
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Short breath

Iam experiencing short breath, got skull x-ray (water view) done and was told that there is phlegm that is trapped which somehow moves towards chest and blocks respiration resulting in shortness of breath, medicine prescribed were solvin-m syrup, solvin decongestent, cepodem az -250, ventidox-m , can we add any more medicine for faster relief
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Drug interactions

I've been taking Natrolax Isapghol powder and Escot cream for piles. But recently i caught a cold. And today doctor prescribed me the following medicines-Tab. Cepodem, Cap. Rinifol, Tab. Mucolite, Tab. Allegra-M. So I'm currently taking these medicines, can i apply Escot cream and take Isapghol along with these? Or will these medicines interact with each other causing side effects?
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Weakness after antibiotic

My son had a severe throat infection and he was given monocef 750 IV twice a day for five days. Followed by cepodem 80 mg twice daily for 3_days. He recovered from that but after that loss of apetite. After 20_days of antibiotics he is still very weak and daily has pain in hands legs varying locations. He is already taking zincovit 5 ml twice and calcium drops also. Please suggest.
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Red throat, whitish inside one tonsil

Hi sir,ma'am 2 days back I had 101.7 fever, red throat pain, fever subsided but throat pain is still there and got cold sensation, today I noticed this whitish stuff inside left corner tonsil, pls see image..I took cepodem 200+125, denzoflam and pan 40 since 3 days as per one EnT sir, pls guide what it is and how to cure these symptoms?
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Cough Sore Throat

Had throat infection, cepodem dp, Allegra n bitadene gargle is given by dr. After two days throat is better, almost no pain. Now I've started coughing uncontrollably when lying down. When going to bed and early morning I start coughing, throat is getting irritated again n not able to sleep. Now even I'm breathing, the air in throat is triggering it n I feel like coughing. Please give suggestions.
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Swelling on right side of neck

My right side of neck below jaw is swelled for the past 2-3 weeks. I went to ENT and was prescribed Cepodem antibiotics for a week and was send for a USG to be on the safe side. The USG report said reactive adenopathy and one of the lymph nodes which was earlier painful is hypoechoic , elongated with loss of hilium. I am scared the heck out. Doctor told normal infection but why the swelling hadn't gone down with antibiotics??. Is their any chances of lyphoma
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Loss of taste,smell after fever medicine

My mother felt ill n took following med from 29th aug. kalpol for 3 days,cepodem-o becozyme c forte,lecope -mtill yesterday.Now she has no fever from 2 days but fatigue n loss of taste n smell after medications. Im scared coz i had heard same occurs in corona too. Diabetic,64,F
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Throat, chest burning more often

My throat and chest feels like burning and the nose feels cold while inhaling. The happens every now and than and stays around 8 to 10 days and goes off. This is happening since 5 months. The chest burning issue is not that often but the throat is. And the throat feels dry. I had acid reflux problem 5 months back. Doctor had prescribed medicine Cepodem XP, Zerdol P and Montair FX. One of the doctor also said that, this might allergy. Thank u.
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