Recently Answered Questions on CEPODEM


Patterned fever for almost 10 days

My sister has fever from afternoon around 4pm till early morning and normal till afternoon. We consulted a physician and we took tests: cbc, esr, covid, widal test, complete urine exam, dengue, thyphi dot, malaria rapid antigen test were all negative and normal. However CRP serum was 27.6. lymph node behind ear was slightly swollen. After 3 days of medication, the doctor has given 5 more days of antibiotics. Initially fever was around 100F and now its around 100-102F. She took CEFTAS the first time and CEPODEM xp now. She got similar kind of fever few years back when all tests were normal but took malaria medication it subsided miraculously for us..Kindly suggest us what to do?? Thanks!!
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Throat infection from 2 weeks

Hi doctor.. I started having dryness and itching in my throat abt 12 days back and visited the doctor.. was given cepodem tab for 3 days and vitamin c.. Took the course of antibiotics but the infection dint go completely.. again visited the doctor and was given tab relent for 3 days. After taking the same not much has changed.. Now it's been a week since those medicines and again from today my throat irritation and pain has gotten more and I feel tired and I think I have slight fever.. How to go abt this.. I kind of fear something major is wrong..
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Lumps behind both ears

Morning doctors, I need your advise on a lump that has come under my ears bec of the dengue fever infection (day 6) i was going through , however thr is no fever now but those small lumps giving me so much pain not able to sleep also had done cbc yesterday lymphocytes are 41 in count ..also a general physician gave me an antibiotic to eat cepodem xp 325 twice  today but the pain is still thr doctor .. please suggest me something so that this pain subsides.. *i wont b able to afford personal consultation due to financial crunch for humanity sake please help if possible 🙏* Cbc report attached. May god bless you 🙏
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Covid pneumonia

Hello sir/mam, my sister was covid positive on 14th april 2021. her fever and other issues have gone for the past 6 days. she is maintaining regular spo2 of 94-98 from day 1 till date. we did an hrct thorax a few days ago and she has covid pneumonia. her cts score is 7/40. she only has coughing as her problem now. and whenever she coughs she has phlegm. visited a doctor and was advised cepodem 200 and inhaler for 10days. my question is if my sister returns a positive rtpcr on her 16th day of home quarantine is it safe to take her out and let her mingle with other family members considering she is still coughing?
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Fever less than or upto 99

Good afternoon dr I felt ill on 29aug took kalpol for 3 day n cepodem-o for 5 days,meanwhile i lost sense of taste and smell,i think it was due 2 antibiotic,again felt ill on 5 sep,dr said(on 5 sep) whether u have cprona  or not ,take corona treatment for 5 days which ended on friday ,after that sometimes i hav no fever or sometimes 99 fever,no weakness/no breathlesness. Cbc,typhoid,platelet,malaria all r normal,random sugar 138 yesterday. Should i need any treatment or should i eat dolo
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Low Grade Fever

I got a low grade fever of 99.5-99.6 last month on 18th of April for which I tried self medication of Ibugesic Plus and Augmentin for 3 days. After it didn't work I took a Practo consultation and the doctor prescribed Flexon, Cepodem, Lecope, and Neurobion. I was feeling well within a day. Now exactly after a month I again have the same thing. I have low grade fever of 99.1-99.4 and nothing else. When I rest it goes away without medication, when I am starting my daily activities it's coming back. I still took a felexon today when it increased to 99.5. And the only discomfort I feel even when I don't have a temperature is my hands and ears feel warm. What could be the reason? I am taking supplements and eating well but still falling sick. Is it weakened immunity?
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Ct scan , allergy and rhinitis

Dear sir is it advisable to go for CT scan at this stage of lockdown and Covid situation? Also I would like to know allergic rhinitis can last for more than 35 days? First 5 days I used Allegra+Nobel cold. Later 10 days 3 anti biotics tablets daily one + montus kind of tablet+spray. Later 7 days cepodem 325 *2.+ sinarest+spray flutiflo. Still there is sometimes slight runny nose but it won't come Down , it won't run it's like minor cold or not surely totally watery. Can rhinitis last for 35 days? My situation contagious? I have no cough soar or headaches. Some pics added. Not sure it is csf?
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Ear pain and crackling

Sir/mam i am hearing some crackling sound in my left ear after my left side wisdom tooth removal two months ago..but it goes away when i pop my ear but day before yesterday when i popped i felt a sharp pain in my ear and also screeching sound and nowi still having some discomfort and little pain around my ear..I usually pop my ear after using salt water in my doctor gave me cepodem xp 325 and a nasal spray otrinoz.....I completed a 10 days course of augmentin 625  15 days ago because of some dental issues... ....There is discomfort in my left ear still now..My hearing is not effected its all right...should i take the above medicines.
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Feeling like take a deep breath often

Hello,Am freling like taking a deep breathe iften atleast once in a min.A transperant phlyum and occasional cough is observed since one week.As per dics advise am using Foracort 200 since a week 2times a day, Muciane 600 onve a day, Cepodem XP 325 twice a day and Montek LC once a day but dont see any changes since 5 days. I also feel low bp i.e: dizzy when i get up and stand,feeling heavy or tight on chest and occasional weezing sound can be heard. Took an xray but came notmal,I have no cold,No fever./chils,No blocks in nose or running nose.With above symptoms please suggest what tests to be done.Unable to find a pulmonologist in my area due to lockdown,any guidance is highly appreciated.
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Fever in 5 months old

My baby is 5 months old, he started developing mild fever from 14th night onwards which was ranging between 99.3 to 99.8 f, he already had a urine infection in his early 2 months of age. So his doctor recommended to do routine and culture test, however in routine few elements are increased like mucus, abscorbic acid and leukocytes and culture is normal ,I have attached the report for reference Though after giving the sample doctor advised to start the antibiotic cepodem 100 and fever is controlled. I would like to know the cause. Please advice
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