Recently Answered Questions on C-FURO


C section safe or not

How many c sections one can have/ considered safe as I had c section last year. How much minimal gap is required between two c sections?
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Name of vitamin c tablet

Need NAME of vitamin c tablet for diabetic dad.I basically need name of vitamin c tablet.i want to know name and brand of vitamin C tablet
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Ultrasound is important after d&c or not

I would like to know about whether usg is important after d&c procedure or not I got d& c done Do i need to get usg done
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Any good vitamin c serum suggestion

I want a vit c serum for maintainence of skin .. Any suggestions for a very good vit c serum? Thanks in advance
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Zinc and Vitamin c

When and at how many times One should take Zinc and Vitamin C tablet? Which are good  Vitamin C Tablets?
123 Views hidden

Why piditrican need while planed c secti

Why pidiatric need while planed c sections done by gynecologist.and what is the roll of child docter while c section is made
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C section recovery

Please suggest me when to start doing yoga after C section delivery and can I go for gym after C section
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Cystatin c

My cystatin-c test value is 1.12 mg/L. Method used is immunoturbidimetric, sample - serum. Is my test report is normal.
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How does it feel after a D&C ?

After d&c this time spotting happened on 10th day and there is brown discharge in place of white. And I have also experienced vomiting sometimes. Is it because of the heat and what else to do?
393 Views hidden

C section

After how many weeks post c section is it safe to go to a parlour for hair colouring. Pls note I am still breast feeding and look to continue the same
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