Recently Answered Questions on Betamethasone


Having breathing problem

I am suffering from breathlessness from last 2 days. Feeling heaviness in chest and some sour burps sometimes getting echo in ears.taken medicine domperidone capsule before meal,ciprodac500,betamethasone,nicip cold and flu,and doxofyl When consulted from a nearby pharmacist.please tell me its beneficial for me or not.please advice me.
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Redness and rashes

I am facing redness and rashes on my inner thighs in my crotch. There is no itching but a few blisters which are temporary and sometimes painful due to friction while walking. I am using Betnovate GM (Betamethasone, Gentamicin Miconazole) skin cream which is reducing the redness a bit but not working good enough. I have dry skin. Male, 28 with no other skin problems
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Seboric dermatitis

I am suffering from seboric dermatitis from 2 years. I consult with doctor . They gave me ketokonazole shampoo, levocetrizine tablet, betamethasone scalp lotion. Symptoms are reduced for few days than back again. My hair become thinner and 40% hair are lost by now. And dandruff are not gone away . Give me proper medicine.
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Recovered from covid ,skin allergy

Diabetic from3 weeks due to covid even after recovery,now skin allergy on leg is more itchy than before .using skin allergy medication from past 5 years .used flucanazole tablets,fusidic acid and betamethasone valerate it became more itchy from past 4 days .please advice some good there anything related to black fungus there any precautions?
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Suffering from avascular necrosis bilate

Sir I am taking betamethasone tab a long time nearly 6 months. 2 years ago Now I am suffering from avascular necrosis last 2 years I have so difficult to regular activities. Stiffness in joint. Sir how to resolve this problem. I don't want to do surgery Please guide me Thank you
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Alopecia areata

I am having extensive alopecia areata and am under methotrexate 15 mg and betamethasone 1 mg. My sgpt level is 80 but the normal range is 0-40 and my serum cortisol level is 0.15 while the range is 6-20. please suggest if I need to do something. My reports are attached herewith.
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Multiple rings on inner thigh

I am suffering with multiple rings on inner thigh and I visited doctor and he prescribed me clotrimazole &2week later when no improvement betamethasone Dipropionatea long with Gentamicin & miconazole. It worked for 1week and rings also seem diminished but now they are coming back they are red in nature and very itchy.pls suggest Thank you Shrey
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About post laser resurfac

What r the things should be take care after laser resurfacing face ..i had done 9 sittings of laser therapy. After laser I use to use fusidic acid -betamethasone combination for 5 days and benzoyl per oxide at night. Is there any problem within those medication..sunscreen z important after lasers?
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Suffering from phimosis

Dear/Mam,,, Im suffering from phimosis .. I don't won't to go through surgery.. please suggest me for how to buy betamethasone cream in local medical it available without prescription.. which is effective cream in range.. please suggest me. I'm so tensed ... Help me to come out from this stressful situation.. please
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I have phemosis

I have phimosis since I was a kid. I can pull my skin but it doesnt go back on its own. I have to pull the skin to make it go back. ALso when having sex the skin gets too stretched and there are bruises on skin, like a cut mark. The skin cuts and it hurts. I dont want surgery. I read about stretching exercise but heard it needs betamethasone to be effective. Also some cream for fungal infection?
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