Recently Answered Questions on ALKOF-DX


Dry Cough (Could not sleep last night)

I have been suffering from dry cough since last three days and last night I could not sleep. I am taking : Corex DX + Augmentin625+Citzen since last two days. Also used KUKA Tablets (Ayurvedic)
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Long lasting dry cough during pregnancy

Hello Doctor's, My wife is 4 month pregnant and she is having cough from last one month. She is having TUSQ-Dx as suggested by her gyanec during her monthly visit but she is still having bit cough. Please suggest. Thank you in Advance!
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Breast feeding mother-DOLO can be taken?

I have cold and cough since last 3 days. Today I went to Dr. and was suggested to take MONTEK and TUSQ DX. Now I am feeling feverish, Can I take DOLO650 ?
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Cough and cold

Tusq DX syrup i give only 2 dose then i stop that 2 doses for 1.5 ml / 1 dose now it's safe for baby
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Took two different cold and cough tabs

I just accidentally took Levocet-D and TusQ DX DT tablet one after the other. Later I got to know both are for cough and cold. Do I need to worry ?
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Cough syrup

Can we give tusQ-Dx cough syrup 2.5 ml to 9 months baby? One doctor suggested this medicine for cough and noise from chest...
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Dry cold n cough

I m 7th months pregnant..i m suffering from dry cold and cough need to know can i take Asthakind-DX syrup for dry cold n cough?plz suggest
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Cough since 20.days

Cough since 20 days which dry . I had taken 2 bottle of tus q dx but no effect till now  . Also suffering from diabetes since 15 yrs and taking insulin since 8 yrs
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Eye drop for lasik surgy

I have done lasik surgey almost 17 days before i want to no that how much time it will take for clear vision and the drop which doctor has prescribed me till what time should i continue the drop and he given me kitomox dx of provs and it is not available in the market easily should i use the other company kitomox dx
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Dry cough since 10 days

Dry cough since 10 days , sometime mucus out during coughing.. Taking rexkem-DX from tomorrow.. it improves but coughing at night continues.
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