

Coming gas from Mouth

My gas coming from mouth many times in a day When I feel to eat something i don't feel to eat I drink water a lot also I take Eno for gas also What to do?
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Excessive sweating

I am suffering from excessive sweating in normal conditions in palms ,feet and underarms from last 4-5 years.And due to stress and anxiety the situation becomes worse.Can homeopathic medicine cure this problem?
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Best way to reduce belly fat and weight

What best natural way to reduce weight and belly fat are their any best natural method or any good homeopathy medicine which gives instant solution max 3 months time and no side effect...fatty liver grade ii and lipid
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Lymphnode tuberculosis

Can   homeopathic medicine cure lymphnode Tuberculosis?can some examples are there to cure this problem with homeopathy
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Two months of medication with no effect

I've been taking alopecia medications from a homeopath and it has worsened my condition. It's been two months he changed my medication after one month of no positive signs. It's been two months now but I still don't see a difference. My hair has grown more and more thin neither the hairfall nor the patches are better. How long should I wait? Pr should I stop this medication before the condition gets worse.
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Suffering from pid pelvic inflammatory

Hi dr I am suffering from pid since 2021 taking homeopathy treatment but phle s kam hua but thk ni hua it's being 2 years is there is permanent relief for this problem I am virgin and unmarried girl 26 years if I start medicine now how much time it take to cure I am planning for marriege but how I can go further with this desease periods is regular no discharge only pain in lower abdomen so is there is permanent solution in homeopathy? And how much time it will take atleast tell me the estimate so I can start treatment I don't know why from 1 years of homeopathy medicine I am not properly fine my Dr said it take 2 more years but I don't think I think he is looting me 4 years for inflammation desease? And my pain was worse so he said due to winter it increases but every winter after taking medicine if it become worse so why I am taking medicine so plz tell me how much time homeopathy will take to cure my pid? As I am suffering from 2021 nov I am a chronic on and off case of pid USG done
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Height increase

I am 20 years old male I want to increase my height upto 4 inches and my growth plates are closed is there any homeopathy treatment to increase height with giving faster results
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Homeopathy Treatment

I heard like fallopian tubal blockage can be treated by Homeopathy medicine? In that treatment it increases the chances or conception? Is that true? Please advice.
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AVN grade 2

Pain in left groin no pain in right. Can AVN grade 2 be treated and cured with homeopathy treatment? If yes how long will it take approximately? Since homeopathy takes time will it not progress further in the meantime?Your advice will be really helpful. Any recommendations in Mumbai?
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Stomach upset & nausea

Madam/ sir please find me the appropriate does of ipecac 6, for my 3yrs old boy stomach upset and nausea cause, he told me discomfort while eating also no pooping.
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