

Redness on cheeks

I am facing redness on face specifically on cheeks. I becomes visibily red some times and becomes normal sometimes. One of the dermat told me it's rosacea. But no use of there medicine. Please help me with it . It looks very embarrassing.
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Feeling like something stuck in throat

For last 2-3 days it feels like something is there in my throat. This feeling is coming & going.. 1. I have stress* & panick* disorder. 2. Last 1 month bcz of due reasons had to have more outside foods than usual. 3. I have tonsil issues since childhood. 4. Sometimes I am feeling acidic burping this days. 5. This throat issue increases more in evening. Also when I feel stressed or giving more attention to it and swallowing repeatedly without food.(I have ill*ness phobia* & cant really divert my attention from this) Can homeopathy cure my problems? Can you pls suggest me some help doctor?
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Health problems

If someone have black fungus can he treated with hemopathy medicine plz tell me which medicine is good for black fungus.Or someone have WBC count under 4 can also get black fungus.
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Medicine query

I am looking for silicea homeopathic medicine which company Medicine should I refer for best results ??
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Medicine query for homeopathy

I am looking for calcarea phosphorica 200x homeopathic medicine which company Medicine should I refer for its best results??
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Lean pcod cure.

I have lean pcod , i dont take sugar and less carbs i take. My amh level is 5.1 and left ovary volume is 9.47cc and right ovary volume 10.4 cc . I do exercise light. If i stop taking 100% carbs my weight will further loose . How i can cure pcod with weight management. I have scanty peroids regular. I have already taken Iron tablets alot and flaxseed daily 1 spoon. My weight is 40 kg , i age is 31. White hair problem and i drink less water thats my bad habbit which i am improving. What else i need to maintain weight and cure pcod???
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Gastric problem from a year

I had gastric problem and did endoscopy in Jan 2023. It had H pylori bacteria. I took antibiotics and was dependant on Antacids. Recently I had consultation with homeopathy doctor and suggested me to take the following. 1. Nux Vom- 2. Lyco- 3. Nixocid tab - Whether the above tablets are good and what time of takes to cure ?
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Allergic cough. Wheezing

My 6 year old daughter is suffering from wheezing and cough. On and off since last 2 years. She was absolutely fine during summer months and neubilization was not required but condition worsened during winters in Delhi.Doctors have diagnosed it as allergic bronchitis.  She is been given budesal 0.5 and salbair 0.31 and 5ml montair syrup .Her conditions improves a lot after neubulization.. Now the doctor has advised to give budecort inhaler 2 puffs twice a day and she is taking it. Her allergy panel test is done and IGe was 10. She has been advised to stay away from dust , moulds, cold food and air. Pls advise if homeopathy can completely cure her problem? Any food restrictions like junk food? Are Air purifiers helpful in controlling?
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Urge incontinence or urine

Best homeopathy medicine for urge incontinence when bladder is full just 190 ml for a 30 years old male where no urine infection, no enlargement of prostate, no nerve disease and no history of any hurt on waist but having very sensitive stomach and intestine.
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Query About biochemic medicine

Biochemic medicine like kali phos Or ferrum phos 6X of SBL company are given in tablet form and generally given 4 tablet 3 times in a day. Now my question is whole tablet has medicinal property??? What is the ingredients of this tablet?? It can cause any prblm???
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