Recently Answered Questions on VENT


Nose Vents use

I want to know whether Nose Vents can be used for ease of breathing during night? What type of Nose Vents should be purchased? If possible, please give product name or brand and where it will be available? How long can it be used?
46 Views hidden

Measure to vent my anger out my anger.

My question is. My father is very stubborn and he doesn't listen to anyone's grievances and he does everything as per his wish through that I feel very angry and after that anger start killing me. I don't know how to vent out my anger. Please suggest good measure and exercise to vent out my anger.
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Vent rate:64bpm PR:232ms Qrs dur:114ms

Please find the ECG report. Please let me know anything serious and any changes to be taken Vent rate : 64 BPM PR interval; 232 ms Qrs duration; 114ms Qt/Qtc int : 407/423
211 Views hidden

Flatulence/vent gas problem

Dear sir/madam,my name is c.jayinder reddy and my age is 36 years,i have suffered with gastrik/flatlence problem and i am diabetic but i don't have any other complication and side effect with daibetic problem and also maintainef diet and normal blood glucose levels.
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Counselling/ Pschologist

Seeking stress related counselling from a counsellor/ psychologist as I have depressed and need venting out
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Don't know what to ask!!

I need help. I just wish there is some platform/forum to vent out. Is it wrong to be emotional and sensitive?
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Unhappiness and loneliness

I feel under loved and not beautiful. i feel nobody loves me even if I do ssomething for them. I feel lonely and no hobby or interest can help it to cure. I alwyas feel the need to vent out and cry.
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Anger frustration

I m not at all happy with my life.. I get so much irritated with small little things and sometimes I also vent out all my anger and frustration on my 19month old anger is on some another level..
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Sir I have aaded my ECG report

Sir I have added my ECG report I don't understand is it normal or worry about it my vent rate ,is 56।and borderline abnormal ECG plzz help mee
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Feeling tensed

Feeling of restlessness from three days.Waking up with headache,nape ache & ear ache(from outside).Feeling sad & cranky unlike my basic nature.Need to vent out.
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