Recently Answered Questions on Tooth Pain


Tooth pain

I have tooth pain when I drink cold or hot water. I am diabetic. Could you please let me know problem
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Tooth pain

Too much of pain in the front tooth upper jaw since yesterday.attached is the x ry.pleace suggest on wat to be done.
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Tooth pain

Due to gap between 2 tooth, the food is stuck and then its starts paining a lot.
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Pain in tooth

I've been having pain in my tooth while eating. I has earlier been filled by a doctor.
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Tooth pain

I am having pain in jaw tooth. I is because of decay? Can this be stopped by scaling?
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Tooth pain

I am having tooth pain from past 6 days. what should i do pains a lot...i am not able to bear the pain.please help me doctor
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I have pain in my tooth

I have pain in my tooth since 4 years and sometimes pus created in my muscles of teeth..what do i do..?
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Tooth pain

I have tooth pain since the last 3 days which becomes worse on lying down. Please suggest what should be my next course of action.
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Tooth Pain

I am having tooth pain for quite some time. In the night it becomes intense. What should I do. Please help.
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Tooth pain

Hi everyone. Have been having tooth pain( severe one) since last noon. Visited doctor. Took an x ray. Since the tooth has been RCTed once in 2017 what are the chances of re RCT. Is RCT recommended or should I get the tooth removed. Pls guide. Thanks.
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