Recently Answered Questions on Steel


Anxity / phobia

I feel like I can do much great in my life but negative thoughts come against my wheel and I stop! Overthinking and negative thinking bother me and make me feel anxious but it's not that much serious I fight against this all but steel I need some medical advice. I'm a single child I spend most of my time alone in my house and have very little social and friends contact
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Ear Pain in her left ear.

Yesterday I tried to clean my daughter's ears with a cleaner she just moved her head with fear, the steel thing which just hurt in her ear got pain and I checked with ear bud for what happened so I saw blood please suggest what happened?
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Store lukewarm cow milk overnight

Hi, I am a father of a 21 month old baby. I want to know if it is fine to store cow milk overnight in an insulated steel bottle? Baby generally wake up at night twice and do not wait for cries continuously if we go and take the milk from the kitchen. Please suggest. Thanks.
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Pure tone Audiometry

I took online consultation so doctor suggested pure tone Audiometry So i went to near ent specialist he had something like steel He click on that and said to me listen careful Then doctor said I don't have any ear problem Still I need pure tone Audiometry?
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Tetanus injection is required or not?

I got injury with stainless steel knife yesterday afternoon. Do I need a tetanus injection ??? last time I had got  tetanus injection in 2019. Pic is attached. I cleaned my wound with Dettol and water please tell whether injection is needed or not? Little swelling is there around wound. Is it required to take injection within 24hrs??
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Unable to sit on hard substances

Sir, Iam unable to sit on hard substances like steel chairs and unable to walk on hard roads like cement roads iam getting severe pressure and heaviness in head from these. but Iam comfortable in walking on soil roads and sitting on sofas. Done mri for brain and spinal cord everything is normal. Unable to find out reason sir. Please help me how to overcome this problem sir.
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High Pitch Sound Makes My Ear Uncomforta

Whenever I make food in kitchen the sound of steel plate, spoon, cutting, chopping put my ear under pressure. High sounds like speakers on public places, marriages also gives me hard time. The sounds echoes in my ear with pressure. It produces uncomfortable sound in my both ears. Please suggest! Thanks.
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Tetanus injection required or not

Hi I had very small cut actually tiny skin peel off on my finger due to steel peeler while working on kitchen. I have taken last tetanus when I delivered baby in  2018 and 2019 January around if I remember. Please guide me wether it is required or not
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Hair loss ,very thin dull hair

I am working is steel industry(very pollutent). And i hav to wear helmet all time . I lost my 40% hair. Can any one tell me how to care and which medicne is good for hair... i recntly shaved my it effect my hair grow???.. plz suggst me for cosultant(hindi speaking preferable)
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Head injury

Yesterday night stainless steel dish straight fall on my one year baby head from kitchen counter. He cried and slept. Today he is doing fine and normal activity. No signs of vomiting or unconscious. Does I need to take him to doctor for xray or other thing. Is there anything to worry.
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