Recently Answered Questions on Sotret


Pus filed bumps on cheeks, nose

I live in mumbai but now I've shifted to goa from past three months, I was using sotret soap which was helping me controlling my acne in mumbai but now the acne has become worse after I've come to goa,, I have pus filled bumps on my face nose and it has started all over face...please suggest me a good facewash for my skin?
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Sudden Acne on scalp and forehead

Suddenly a lot of acne appear on my scalp which are very very itchy along with acne on my forehead especially on the hairline. Till March I was taking involym and sotret for about 4 weeks along with peroclin cream. Should I continue the above medications and go for any other treatment. My hairs are also thinning along with some hair fall
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Chest tightness

According to a general physician's prescription , I had Sotret 10mg after lunch and applied Mintop 5% in the evening Then after I felt a considerable chest tightness.. and in the night, I literally felt I might pass out. I am not confident about using both of these medicines anymore. Should I stop them immediately?
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Covid vaccine+ Acne medication

Hi doctors, I am already on below medication since 28-05-2021 Zithrox/sotret/omnacortil and have taken covid vaccine on 07-06-2021. Can I continue with the above medication or do I need to pause for a week. Will there be any side effects of medicine are continued.
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Acne on back

I have acne scars on my back and shoulder area. Whitehead acne appears sometimes but very less but my skin on back is not clear. It has small bumps because of acne. I was recommended Sotret capsules by a doctor but I dont want to go for that treatment as it has many side effects. Is there any other alternative treatment ??
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Dryness caused by isoretinoin

I have been asked to apply epiduo and also i am on sotret so my skin is extremely dry near my chin area. I apply suncross suncreen but the peeling or dry area show distinctly. Can i use derma dew cream for moisturising my face or suggest me some other cream for the purpose.
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Known case of PCOD and hpyocalcemia

I have been prescribed 10mg sotret OD for mild to moderate acne after receiving mild benefit from benzoyl peroxide. I am a known case of PCOD and my calcium and vitB12 levels are low as well. Is it safe for me use this drug? Will it cause weight gain as I am already overweight due to PCOD?
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Oily skin since 5 years

I've been consuming sotret 20 mg and isotroin 20 mg simultaneouly for past 4 years. It does wonders to my skin and helps me get rid of oily skin. But as soon as i stop the consumption, the oil returns and is huge on forehead and nose. Please help.
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Clarification on the tablets

Hello, I am currently taking Dr Su's Hair DHT(1-0-1) and Gluta Glow tablets(1-0-0) along with Limcee Vitamin C 500mg capsule(1,0,0). I consulted a dermatologist for white heads and pigmentation around nose and chin, I was prescribed Sotret 10mg capsule and to be consumed every night. Could you please let me know if I continue sotret tablets with DHT,Gluta glow and Vitamin C capsules? Please find the Gluta Glow &DHT  tablet details attached. Would appreciate your help.
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Acne problem

I have acne problem from last 10 years.whenever I saw acne on my face,I have visited to dermatologists. They prescribed me sotret tablet for 2 months,and they did some blood test.They often prescribed me chemical peel.i had undergone several sittings of chemical peel.but that  didn't help much. currently i  applied foundation on my face ,again   there was outbreak of acne.however i have taken precautions,before  going to bed I remove all my makeup with make up remover and I follow cleansing toning and moisturising. I have enough of sotret tablet and I don't want it  m using benzoyl peroxide facewash and Epidua gel to get rid out of this acne.but that didn't help much.i have a dull skin,pls  suggest me some advice..
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