Recently Answered Questions on SUMO


Can take nimesulide

I had fever 2 days ago I take solo 650 mg but it's Moby works for 4 hr last night I had 102 degree fever so I take sumo so my que is it's safe to use sumo in dengue or what drug should I take for high fever I'm not checked dengue but my platelet are fine 2 lakh 96 thousands I'm attaching my cbc report
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High fever

My sister is having high fever since morning yesterday she was having some Cold we got her covid test 1 week earlier than it was negative she is  having no other symptoms of covid-19 and she is more exposure to outside  only fever is the problem what should we do if given her sumo fever medicine
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I have fever from past 2days.

My doctor has prescribed me taxim O 200mg tablet is it effective. i have caugh cold and fever. for 2days took sumo tablet but fever kept coming so now will taxim-O 200mg tablet work
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Leg pain, body ache, body become feveris

My wife, 64 yrs, got feverish after tour to Goa' sea. As her body temperature reach to 98℃, she gets uneasiness, leg pain etc. As, Calpol, Combiflam did not lower the fever, she is taking Sumo. After Sumo, body relaxes, temperature comes down about 96.5 but within about 20 hrs, temperature starts increasing along with original symptoms. She is taking Sumo since last 5 days. I got CBC tested. The abnormalities in this report are- ESR 84%,Eosinophils 8.8%, Absolute Eosinophil Count .76 Pl advis
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Fever body pain throught infection cold

I took booster dose on 25 August i was fyn till 27 from 27 might be due to sunlight or ac or might be due to dose i am getting severe cold throught pain fever body pain headache i took cinarest sumo citrazene Azithromycin but no improvement
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Medicine for baby

Hi doctor ,,,can we use below medicine and below mentioned dosage for 13months old baby ... sumo l plus 5ml every 8 hours for fever and clavam dry syrup 5ml 3times a day for infection...and we are using those medicines from last night and still his fever didn't reduce.
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Fever from two days

My daughter is suffering from fever for two days. I am giving her SUMO L DS (250 mg) as SOS. I want to start LEVOFLOXACIN ORAL SOLUTION IP ( L-CIN) from today as the antibiotic. Kindly tell me what should be the dose of L-CIN SYRUP. ( AGE- 6 YEARS, WEIGHT- 24 KG)
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Light brownish mucus

Hi, I had cold last 3 days back. Dint get any fever. Now i have cough only (8-10times I cough ) whenever I cough I split out light colour brownish mucus. ( Not dry cough ) I was taking azith 500mg, sumo cold & Grillinctus syrup for 3 days. Should I continue or stop it ?
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Cold Thai pain,joint pain & weaknesses

Cold Thai pain,joint pain & weaknesses from 4 days..I'm talking hldi+milk and sumo tablet's for some hour I feel ok then same things happening again...thai pain joint pain weakness
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My Son is having fever since last night

My Son had fever last night around 9 PM. We gave him Sumo for fever. Then the fever returned around 4am in the morning. Then again fever returned 3 PM today. The fever is always above 100 degree. He also seems to have cough inside.
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