Recently Answered Questions on PAUSE-MF


Heavy menstrual bleeding

Hi, I have got my periods this month around 24th day and have been bleeding little less in the first 3-4 days with brownish flow, and then the red blood and heavy flow started and it's continuing for 5 days now. Have a history of minor lean pcos and periods were usually 35 - 40 days cycle before. Please let me know can I take Pause - MF tablet to control the flow.
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Methotrexate inj

Hi doctor , Attached my ultrasound report after d and c on 24th Jan due to missed abortion at 8 weeks. Facing brownish discharge not soaking half a pad in a day. It was normal pregnancy not Ectopic . Doctor gave me methotrexate injection today and I am taking pause mf medicine from last 4 days Will there be bleeding after this injection as I am only feeling pain in body? Light brownish spotting or bleeding is still there. Thanks
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Pcod bleeding not stopped

I am diagnosed with bilateral pcod in abdomen scan. From 10days i am bleeding, doctor gave me pause MF 1-0-1 dose for 5 days after taking 3days also total bleeding not stopped, now told to continue for anothet one week with 1-1-1 dose. What the cause? Some brown clots comes out, need to warry or not?
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How to stop mensus

Oct 2nd I had my period. Again Oct 25th I had another period of this month. I'm traveling on 28th, 29, 30 and 31 of October. I want to stop my mensus. From 25th I have started to take Pause MF tablet 3 times a day. Usually I ll bleed for 5 to 6 days. Now my periods will stop by 28th October or not? Shall I take progesterone tablet after 28th to stop bleeding?? Please clear my doubts
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Longer periods

Hi I underwent a surgery in the month of august , I had bilateral hydrosalpinx and endometrial cyst. They could block only my left tube rest all was covered with adhesions due to my previous surgery. Last month I got my periods lilttle late but it was normal lasted at  5 days, but this month I got my periods on right time but bleeding is not stopping I started with pause mf yesterday but still lil spotting is there.
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Light brown spotting

I used Pause MF for 3 days for reduced bleeding and vleeding reduced from 15th day and we were together after that... I didnot get bleeding at after one month and have light spotting after 20 days. I also did a pregnancy test which came negative... Im parlelly using homeopathic medicine for pregnancy... However one of our cousin doctors suggested for bed rest for two weeks and asked me to take a test after that... Can i still hear a postive news? Today is 5th day according to me and i have only one drop of spotting today and yesterday.
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Pcod issue

I have pcod age is 29 married. I used to take leterozole twice a day for 3 months and periods were regular then. I didn't take it in Feb and got periods on 15th March a week before the expected date it stopped after 5 days and then began again on 27th spotting type and went on till I took pause mf tablet for 4days. How do I reguralize the periods and ensure proper egg growth.
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Deviry to stop uterine bleeding

The doctor has prescribed Deviry 10 for 21 days (twice daily) since l have uterine bleeding. How does this tablet work in stopping periods? I have been taking different medications for the last 2 months and my periods haven't stopped yet. Age- 27 Medications taken in 2 months - tranexamic acid, pause MF & primolut
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Excessive bleeding during periods

I have been operated for adenomyosis in feb 2018. But apparently the adenomyosis has grown back in size, and now I have cysts in my ovaries as well. I had sudden excessive bleeding with huge clots for almost an hour yesterday. My periods came at a gap of 17 days. My doc has advised ovral g twice for 20 days along with pause mf thrice for 5 days. Should I wait n watch if my bleeding becomes normal or go for a hysterectomy?
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Harmones in balance and pregnancy issue

Hi I have thyroid,my age is 26 married. Give me some tips to loss weight.And on this heavy bleeding happen doctor tell me lining is thick in uterus on day also bleeding continues docter suggest me take meplate,pause tablets 3 times a day but no use doctor tell me DNS doing but iam no feel free to doing that one and so much fear. so I can take trapic-mf and styptovit tablets and my bleeding is controlled. My dought is meplate is safe to take 3 tables a day . and my lining is ok.
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