Recently Answered Questions on PARACETAMOL


Paracetamol overdose

Given 1 overdose of paracetamol pediatrics oral suspension drops of 150 mg/ml to 2 month old and approx 4 kg baby by mistake. Its 28 hrs now and baby slept for 20-22 hrs. She is waking up only for milk and then after having milk again she is sleeping. She did one vomiting also. Is it a cause of concern or normal. Is she feeling sleepy bcz of overdose. Will it cause any harm.
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Paracetamol poisoning

Is der any compulsion that after consuming 650mg paracetamol tablets around 15-20tablet aperson can not be conscious and has die after an hour I have eat those tablets at around 4 but I was admitted in hospital by 9 so people r questioning dat a person should have died but I was saved because I have even vomited but still I have a question is it compulsory dat after overdosing a person dies in an hour is it true
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Paracetamol overdose

I took 4 tablets containing paracetamol 300g, caffeine 25mg and phenylephrine hydrochloride 5mg. I took these tablets within a 1 hour period and the recommended dosage was 2 every 4-6 hours! I'm 15 and i'm really scared! Will i die?? I had stomach ache last night but it's okay now and now i just have heavy breathing problems!
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Fever gap between paracetamol and antibi

Hi doctor Can i give antibiotics immediately after paracetamol for my 2.9 year daughter.if not pls tell me how much gap required. My doctor suggested to give antibiotic if fever increases.i gave her paracetamol after 15 min it increased to 101 so thought of giving antibiotic now.can i give it immediately or should I maintain a gap between paracetamol and antibiotic. Thanks Surekha
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Paracetamol in jaundice and hepatitis A

IS it safe to take paracetamol for evening fever in jaundice due to hepatitis A my bilirubin is 6.94
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Overdose of paracetamol 650mg

What will happen if I take 10 dolo (650mg paracetamol) tablet at once, can it cause death and what are the other side effects.
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Paracetamol with milk or juice

My son is very fussy when it comes to consuming paracetamol for fever. Can it be mixed with his juice or milk?
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Paracetamol ip 650 mg

Sir, Today I taken vaccine, Suffering from cold fever, Shall I take paracetamol 650 mg tablet. Thanks sir
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Paracetamol after Covid vaccine

Dear Doctors. Please advise, Does paracetamol affects the covid vaccine benefits? Thanks in advance
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Overdose of paracetamol suspension 240mg

I accidentally gave 2 ml of paracetamol suspension to my 1.5 month old daughter. I made her vomit though. But what should I do now?
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