Recently Answered Questions on PARACETAMOL


Overdose of paracetamol

Hello My daughter was having fever and while giving paracetamol syrup she might have accidentally taken some extra one or 2 sips from the bottle after snatching the bottle and running. Overall, she is ok with fever around 100.5 after 6 hours. Also, I am not sure it might be less also. Should we be worried and take her for any tests etc to a general pediatrics. Pls help as we want to avoid unnecessary visit to hospitals during covid times Thanks
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I've taken too many paracetamol

Took sleeping tablet lest night but didn't go straight to bed. Just woken up with vague recollection of taking paracetamol and check downstairs and I've taken 6g. My weight is 45kg. It was not a suicide attempt, it's a mistake. Can I leave it untreated?
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Overdose of paracetamol

Given overdose of paracetamol pediatrics oral suspension drops of 150 mg/ml to 2 month old and approx 4 kg baby by mistake. Its almost 20 hrs and baby is sleeping. She is waking up only for milk and then after having milk again she is sleeping. Is it a cause of concern or normal. Is she feeling sleepy bcz of overdose. Will it cause any harm.
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Paracetamol overdose

Dr. GUNJAN SAINI SIR, My friend has taken 15gm paracetamol tablets which according to allopathy is an oversose and can lead to liver damage but till now she has not gone through any test or treatment.You suggested her giloy ghan vati and she has bought it today.4 days are over after taking paracetamol.Can she improve her liver from giloy ghan vati ?? What should be the dose ? Please give me some time and explain in detail as overdose lead to liver damage and even death according to doctors.
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Minimum time duration for paracetamols.

This query is for my father. Suffering from high fever since evening. Given paracetamol at 5 pm, fever went down and is up again. Can we gave paracetamol again around 9pm-10pm, at the duration of 4-5hours?
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Mefenamic acid and paracetamol

Can paracetamol be taken along with mefenamic acid suspension,kid was prescribed mefenamic acid suspension for fever. Should I give paracetamol along with this medicine.
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Can I take paracetamol 650 with naproxen

I have fever today I have taken approx 1200 mg paracetamol .. headache still happen .. can I take naproxen 500 with paracetamol .. is there any interaction found ?? Please don't reply with consult and all .. I want ans only !!
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Paracetamol- No fever now

Hello Doctor, My son's age is 1 year 11 months. Yesterday night he got fever 100.5 °F around 12' o clock. Gave paracetamol p 250 - 3 ml. After 1 st dose fever reduced like no there's no fever. But gave 2nd dose after 6 hours - 3ml. Now my question is: fever got reduced. Should I give paracetamol today as well like another 3 doses with 6 hrs gap. Please suggest. Thank you.
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Accidentally taken 2 paracetamol 500mg

I have taken two paracetamol 500 mg tablets together is there any cause for concern ... ... ... ... ...
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Has fever 103 and taken paracetamol 650

Hi, My husband Has fever 103 and taken paracetamol 650 but fever is not coming down .please suggest
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