Recently Answered Questions on P-CALM


Meftal P gap between 2 doses

Doctor, daughter is 5 yrs abd weight 21 kgs. Dentist has prescribed Meftal P for tooth ache. What should be the dosage and gap between 2 doses.
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Is it P/ 500 tablets contains virus ?

Is it P/500  tablets contains any virus ? Is that tablets contains any kind of virus in it good to take that tablets by human beings ?
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Calcimax p drops can use with lemu d3dro

Hai my baby is boy baby 3 month we are using LEMU-D3 DROPS and BEVON DROPS along with these drops can use calcimax-p drops please say yes or no
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Used Cyclenorm E and P

As my periods were irregular hence my doctor prescribed me cyclenorm E and P to regulate my periods, which I took  4 days after having protected sex and I got my periods within 4 - 5 days , but the bleeding was light and dark brown in colour, is it due to medications or any possibility of pregnancy? He didn't ejaculate inside me and condom didn't broke or tear.
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Calpol or meftal P for fever

Hi, my son is having fever since Morning today. Few suggested Calpol but our online pediatric suggests meftal P. His age is 8 and weight is 25KG. As per research mefal require once fever goes beyond 103 while my son temperature is around 100 to 103. We tried Calpol with 3 dose of 8ml but didn't see any result. Please suggest us. Please note that my son don't have cold, Running nose and weakness.
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Malaria - positive P,F

I'm male qbc test revealed positive P,F. I'm admitted to hospital and getting treatment.Is that severe malaria??.Im scared.Also my urine has pus cells 8-10 epithelial cells 4-6..urinobilogen 3.2 protein positive I'm scared that I got doc is saying nothing and giving treatment for malaria..pls tell about my urine values..Is that normal or I have it??Pls help
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Calshine p drops dosage

Hi Doctors, I am using zincovit drops 1ml and calshine p drops 0.5ml for my 18months old baby boy once a day. And my baby weight is 9.6kgs. Is this this dosage correct or shall I need to increase/decrease? Please suggest. Thanks in Advance
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Can I start repeat dose of Cyclonorm E&P

I take dose of cyclonorm P and E on 10 may but my bleeding not started yet can I repeat the dose of Cyclonorm p and e
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For Dr Murthy P S please help me

Sir Doctor Murthy P S I appiled nadimix cream in the morning Then at afternoon when i was watching porn the watery fluid come out Do anything happens of mixing of those things on my penis head I didnt masturbated and i didnt used nadimix cream as lubricant I just watched the porn videos that Do anything happens to my penis  ? Please help me Im in tension
2573 Views hidden

Can P alba be cured with homeopathy?

Hi doctor, I am having white spots on my legs /arms since October 2016. Doc said it was p alba. I took allopathy medicine along with cetaphil cream etc. It got slightly better till March. Then I took homeopathy medicines twice by two doctors with no relief .doc 1) gave bacillium dose once every week doc 2) gave biocom , sulphur , natmur . Pls suggest if this can be treated with homeopathy
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