Recently Answered Questions on MONTEMAC-FX


Allergy rhinitis

I am suffering from allergy rhinitis, I'm taking ODIMONT FX once daily for the past 3 years. If i miss a dose then I start sneezing the next day with runny nose and also have chest congestion. please advice what should I do.
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Rhinitis & bronchitis

HI, I am suffering from rhinitis and bronchitis allergies. As per my consulted doctor I take ab phylline & Montair FX. As per my doctor there are no permanent cure for this deases, pleaseplease give me any suggest
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Suffering from throat pain and chest pain from last 7 days Cough is coming from mouth and nose.please suggest i am allreay taking antielergy medicines montar fx Hetergan etc
1138 Views hidden

To know the uses of table

I am confused with tablets that using...i do not understand it..1)PECEF Duo -200, 2)Zerodol, 3)TORKAST-FX
651 Views hidden

Throat pain in left side

Pain in left side throat last 2 months. I take amoxy+clvnt with montair fx 10 days but no relief till time. Plz suggest me .
93 Views hidden

Allergic Rhinitis

I have been suffering from cold and running nose, red and Itchy eye from 3 years. It gets bit better if i take regular medicines (Montair FX and metspray) but i have not found any permanent solution. Please suggest any permanent solution.
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Itching on body with appearance of spot

Sir/ mam, my body start itching at night...and I get big red rashes on my body...I wake up with swollen eyes  in the morning...and as the day progresses ,swollen eye and itching gets somewhat relieved...but again cycle gets repeated, starting from evening...I took montemac L for 5 days,and itching, swollen eyes got okay...but after stopping medicine,again my body itches and eye getting swollen...
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Cough and itchy ear

Itchy ears,heavy head ,cough and lite cold .past 2 weeks cold.I took montair fx and chestone cold but this itchy ear and cough is more .what to do
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Left throat pain

Problem in swallowing food, pain in left side of throat due to which pain in left year and headache. Been taking azee500 and montair fx from past three days at night but no improvement. On doctor's suggestion took zerodol P in morning but fever came down to 96 so did not give that further.
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Want to check for Corona vaccination.

I have been taking montair Fx for my urticaria for last 3-4 years as an when the rashes flair up. Also I'm a lactating mother to 6 month baby. I wanted to confirm if I can take the vaccination for Girona with the existing urticaria.
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