Recently Answered Questions on MEPRATE


Meprate Tablet

Can meprate(medroxyprogesterone) tablets be taken for one week once in a day? To delay the period for one week?
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Vaccination and meprate

I get vaccination on July 1st now my period is delay for 3days..and also I'm not pregnant..if I take meprate 10mg it create breathing problem to me..?last April17th  I use meprate,and got my period in 3days before completing my 5tablets..thn on may 15th I feel difficult in this problem is because of meprate...?shall I take meprate now?...pls docters help me... And thank u in advanced
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Meprate med

Hi doctor its been ten days since i took meprate 10 mg once a day for five days. I still havent got my periods
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What happened if meprate is taken

What happened if meprate tabs is taken the sex after next 2 days. Is the chance of getting pregnant or not?? Please tell me
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Periods after Meprate

How many days after the Meprate course can one expect their periods to come? I took a 7 day course where i consumed meprate 2 x day Thank you
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Can we take meprate during periods

Hi, I have taken a meprate 10mg tablet on the day i had a light spotting and after that i didnt have any spotting or any bleeding.will meprate stop the period even if it taken on the day of period start or will it stop bleeding on periods. Please suggest me what to do now?
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Meprate and prolactic

Can consuming meprate (7 tablets in year)can make prolactic level increases...I took meprate tablet as a birth control before my prolactic test results is 79.40
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After meprate no periods

Had meprate for 5 days..twice daily but no periods , its my 15th day of stopping meprate. I am a pcod patient. Prolactin level 0.32 Upt - negative Why am not getting periods . Kindly reply
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Meprate coarse

Hi doctor, I got one suggestion that I should use meprate tablet for 21 days otherwise I will get irregular periods. Is it mean, Should I use meprate tablet upto 21 days for 1 month or every month 21 days??
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Meprate tablet

After having meprate tablet , within how many days I will get my periods? Earlier having typhoid due to that I didn't get my period as my gynaecologist suggest me meprate tablet so just want to confirm within how many days I can expect my periods ??
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