Recently Answered Questions on M-FORLIN


M I pregnant

Hi.... I Had and unprotected sex my bf in the month of January but after that I got my period on time the next month Feb my periods were missed in the March month still I haven't got my period....m I pregnant...i ate papaya in the month of March so just a few drops of brown blood realise from my vagina for 2-3 days but no period as normal...kindly help
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I m suffering from cold

I have been having blocking nose from day before yesterday.Then suddenly yesterday I got fever.My throat too started itching .I took Dolo tablet for fever and now I m feeling relieved.But blocking nose and itching throat continues.
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I m having a constipation problem

Actually I m suffering from constipation since 2 years n I have tried homeopathy n ayurvedic but did not get the result so I have to tek medicine on regular basis n most of the time my stomach get bloated n I take proper diet n do proper workout but still it doesn't give any relief n cus of this I got lot of acne on my face n other skin issue. Pls help me to get rid of it
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To know that i m not pregnant

I have a 28 day menses cycle..on 11 April i got intimate with my partner ..there was no peneteration ..but he had masturbated before..i was afraid so i take unwanted 72 on next day.. on 23 April i started bleeding around my period was thick on first but light on other two days....on 5 May ie 24 days after being intimate i take beta hcg test and it was <2.00miU/ml...and now on 20 May i got my period but it is little light than my normal period ..can i consider myself as i m not pregnant
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M i pragnant?

I and my husband had sex on 2nd last day of my period ie 18 jan .he used condom but due to fear i took unwanted 72 within 24 hrs nd after that i had white discharge but no early bleeding nd today is 23 feb i didnt get my period but only white discharge . i did home pragnancy test twice but it came negative but i didnot get my period . m i pragnant as my period date is 14th?
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M I pregnant?

I had my periods on 8Oct lasts for 5days then I had unprotected sex on 20Oct n took ipill under 8hrs then on 27oct I got periods last for 4-5days then I got my periods with light bleeding on 5Dec last for 4days then I started taking ginnete35 n got periods on 6th with normal flow .now m spotting.took blood test, ultrasound ,hpt all were negative
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M I pregnant?

I had my periods on 8Oct lasts for 5days then I had unprotected sex on 20Oct n took ipill under 8hrs then on 27oct I got periods last for 4-5days then I got my periods with light bleeding on 5Dec last for 4days then I started taking ginnete35 n got periods on 6th dec with normal flow for 5days then was getting little blood clots with brown n red blood for 4-5days n now m spotting lil bit .took blood test, ultrasound ,hpt all were negative.v
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I m having problem of obesty...

If I try yoga or sm other exercise for 1 or 2 months n if I leave it even for 7 days, my body swells...It increases my stomach specially n body size. I would like to add ...I m pure vegetarian n food what I take is really normal. Roti sabzi n dal....Rice is taken very less like once or twice a week. Don't eat junk food a lot..oil n ghee is also nt too much. My water intake is good...N don't take friz cold water. Kindly guide me and let me understand the problem
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I m tens about pregnency

I m tens about pregnency ...if periods comes is it clear that  I m not pregnent ???plz say me m vry scares
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I m always feel seek I didn't feel energ

I m always feel seek I Dnt feel energetic . In every month I m suffering from illness and many more thing I m very insecure with my health.
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